Proyectos de Innovación


Fibra dietética

- Ver también Hidratos de carbono

- Alimentos ricos en fibra, Medline Plus

- Carbohydrates and dietary fibre, BNF, 2007

- Carbohydrates and Health, 2015, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN)

- Dietary Fibre Consensus from the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium (ICQC), 2020

- Dietary Fibre, BNF

- Dietary fibre, ILSI, 2006

- Dietary fibre - a review of the evidence, The Nutrition Society

- Dietary fibre and the prevention of chronic disease – should health professionals be doing more to raise awareness?, 2016

- Dietary fibre in Europe: current state of knowledge on definitions, sources, recommendations, intakes and relationships to health, 2017

- Dietary fibre in foods: a review, 2012

- Dietary reference values for carbohydrates and fibre, EFSA, 2010

- Draft SACN position statement on dietary fibre & health and the dietary fibre definition, 2008

- Fiber and Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Health Benefits, 2013

- Fibra, EUFIC

- Fibra alimentaria en el etiquetado, RD 1669/2009 (Ver pág. 2: "es conveniente que el valor energético
medio para la fibra alimentaria sea de 8 kJ/g (2 kcal/g)")

- Fibra dietética y antioxidantes en la dieta española y en alimentos funcionales, En: Alimentos funcionales, FECYT, 2005 (página 169)

- Fibra y salud cardiovascular, 2012

- Food energy – methods of analysis and conversion factors, FAO, 2003 | En pdf | (Ver pág. 65: "In the absence of a specific factor associated with the method, a value of 8 kJ/g (2 kcal/g) should be used")

- High-Fiber Diet Might Protect Against Range of Conditions, JAMA, 2019

- Ingesta y fuentes alimentarias de fibra en España: diferencias en cuanto a la prevalencia de exceso de peso y obesidad abdominal en adultos, ANIBES, 2016

- Impact of Dietary Fiber Consumption on Insulin Resistance and the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes, 2018

- Proposed Policy: Definition and Energy Value for Dietary Fibre, Health Canada | En pdf (Ver pág. 23: "In the European Union, the energy value of 2 kcal (8kJ) /g for fibre was established in 2008") | Policy for Labelling and Advertising of Dietary Fibre-Containing Food Products, 2012 | Elements within the Nutrition Facts Table | MÁS

- Review of the Scientific Evidence on the Physiological Effects of Certain Non-Digestible Carbohydrates, FDA, 2018

- The definition of dietary fiber, AACC, 2001

- The Impact of Dietary Fiber on Gut Microbiota in Host Health and Disease, 2018


Fiscalidad de alimentos

- A systematic review of the effectiveness of taxes on nonalcoholic beverages and high-in-fat foods as a means to prevent obesity trends, 2013

- Assessing the potential effectiveness of food and beverage taxes and subsidies for improving public health: a systematic review of prices, demand and body weight outcomes, 2013

- Cuestionando la efectividad de los impuestos a alimentos como medida de lucha frente a la obesidad, 2014

- Do healthier foods and diet patterns cost more than less healthy options? A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2013

- El impuesto sobre bebidas azucaradas en España, 2016

- El IVA de los alimentos en Europa, OCU, 2012

- Evidence that a tax on sugar sweetened beverages reduces the obesity rate: a meta-analysis, 2013

- Fiscal (and other) measures which influence food and non-alcoholic drink consumption in Europe, EFAD, 2016 | pdf in English

- Fiscalidad de alimentos. Una oportunidad para la salud, FESNAD, 2013

- Food-PRICE: Food Policy Review and Intervention Cost-Effectiveness, 2017, Tufts University

- Food pricing strategies, population diets, and non-communicable disease: a systematic review of simulation studies, 2012

- Food Taxes - What is their impact?, European Policy Centre

- Impuesto a las bebidas azucaradas en España y su posible impacto en la salud, 2014

- Informe científico sobre la fiscalidad del pan, 2019 | Informe completo en pdf

- Review of the status of health-related taxes on food and drinks, globally and in the UK, FRC, 2015

- Taxing Caloric Sweetened Beverages: Potential Effects on Beverage Consumption, Calorie Intake, and Obesity, USDA, 2012

- Taxing Sugar-Sweetened Beverages: Not a “Holy Grail” but a Cup at Least Half Comment on “Food Taxes: A New Holy Grail?”, 2013

- The effect of rising food prices on food consumption: systematic review with meta-regression, 2013

- Un dulce impuesto para no amargar la salud, 2014

- WHO, 2015, Using price policies to promote healthier diets

- WHO, 2016, WHO urges global action to curtail consumption and health impacts of sugary drinks

- WHO, 2016, Fiscal policies for diet and the prevention of noncommunicable diseases



- Ver también Bases de datos de otros componentes bioactivos

- Ver también Bioactivos

- Fitoquímicos | Micronutrient Information Center, Linus Pauling Institute

- PhytoHub (freely available electronic database containing detailed information about dietary phytochemicals and their human metabolites)



- Ver Esteroles vegetales y estanoles vegetales

- Ver también Bioactivos



- Ver también Bioactivos

- Contenido en alimentos, Tablas de composición de USDA

- Flavonoid Values for USDA Survey Foods and Beverages 2007-2010, USDA, FNDDS

- Food Insight, Flavonoids: Benefits for Total Health [INFOGRAPHIC]

- ILSI, Flavonoids | Más



- Ver también Minerales

- Contenido en alimentos, Tablas de composición de USDA

- Fluoride in drinking-water, WHO, 2006

- Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fluoride, EFSA, 2013



- Ver Ácido fólico


Food pairing (maridaje de alimentos)

- Analysis of Food Pairing in Regional Cuisines of India, 2015

- Flavor network and the principles of food pairing, 2011

- Food

- Maridaje de alimentos, ¿Arte o ciencia?, 2016

- Sensaciones comunes, 2013


Fortificación /Enriquecimiento de alimentos

- Enriquecer los alimentos – optimizando los alimentos, EUFIC, 2011

- Evaluación del consumo de alimentos enriquecidos/fortificados en España, 2011

- Food Fortification in Today’s World, IFIC, FoodInsight, 2010

- Fortification, ILSI | Fortification: new findings and implications, 2014

- Guidelines on food fortification with micronutrients, WHO, 2006

- Legislación, AESAN

- What's the Difference between the Terms "Enriched" and "Fortified" on Food Labels?, AND, EatRight



- Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for phosphorus, EFSA, 2015

- Dietary reference values: magnesium and phosphorus, EFSA, 2015


Fraude alimentario

- Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality | Food Fraud, European Commission | Monthly Summary of Articles on Food Fraud and Adulteration



- Fritura y enfermedades, 1993

- Aceite de oliva y fritura, 2010



- CDC, Fruits and vegetables

- Consumer, Guía de frutas

- EFSA, Scientific opinion on fruits / vegetables, 2245/2011

- EUFIC, Fruit and vegetable consumption in Europe – do Europeans get enough?, 2012

- FAO, Conservación de frutas y hortalizas mediante tecnologías combinadas. Manual de capacitación, 2004

- FAO, INPhO (Información sobre Operaciones de Poscosecha)

- Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Frutas de temporada

- OCU, Calendario de frutas y verduras

- OECD, Fruit and vegetable consumption among adults | Fruit and vegetable consumption among children | En: Health at a glance, 2013

- Soy de, Medialab Prado

- WHO, Promoción de frutas y hortalizas | Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption to reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases, eLENA, 2014


Frutos secos

- Nuts and Dried Fruits: An Update of Their Beneficial Effects on Type 2 Diabetes, 2017

- INC, International Nut & Dried Fruit Council | Multimedia



- Ver Alimentos funcionales

Ir arriba

Charles Camoin (1879-1965) Nature morte (c. 1950)
Charles Camoin (1879-1965) Nature morte (c. 1950)

“Hay que comer de todo, pero en plato de postre"

F. Grande Covián

"And this I know, moreover, that to the human body it makes a great difference whether the bread be fine or coarse; of wheat with or without the hull, whether mixed with much or little water, strongly wrought or scarcely at all, baked or raw- and a multitude of similar differences; and so, in like manner, with the cake (maza); the powers of each, too, are great, and the one nowise like the other. Whoever pays no attention to these things, or, paying attention, does not comprehend them, how can he understand the diseases which befall a man?" (Hipócrates) -- Texto -- Texto

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Henri Matisse - Still Life with Black Knife - 1896
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Cezanne. Still life with apples and a pot of primroses - ca. 1890
Cezanne. Still life with apples and a pot of primroses - ca. 1890

Jan Boon - Naturaleza muerta con huevos, cuchillo y cacerola de esmalte azul - 1944
Jan Boon - Naturaleza muerta con huevos, cuchillo y cacerola de esmalte azul - 1944

Tomás Hiepes - Dulces y frutos secos sobre una mesa - 1600-1635
Tomás Hiepes - Dulces y frutos secos sobre una mesa - 1600-1635

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