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Joint evaluation schedule

Joint evaluation Schedule: Activities Document of the PhD student and the Research Plan (2022-2023 Academic year)



(Only for students with negative evaluation during the 2021-2022 academic year)

  •  Deadline to update the activities document and the research plan by the PhD student: 13 January
  •  Deadline to issue the tutor and director reports: 23 January
  •  Evaluation period of the academic committees: until 3 February
  •  Deadline to present the minutes at secretariat: 13 February

 A positive evaluation will be a prerequisite to continue in the program.



  •  Deadline to update the activities document and the research plan by the PhD student: 16 June
  •  Deadline to issue the tutor’s and director’s reports: 3 July
  •  Evaluation period of the academic committees: until 12 July
  •  Deadline to present the minutes at students' secretary office: 21 July

In the report it should only be indicated whether the evaluation is positive or negative. For students who have not completed the Activities Document and the Research Plan, the evaluation must be negative. The joint annual evaluation (positive or negative) of the Activities Document and the Research Plan of a student can be consulted in the "Evaluation" tab of the RAPI2 application.

A positive evaluation will allow the student to continue in the programme upon registration for the following year. If the evaluation is negative, the doctoral student must resubmit the Activities Document and the Research Plan for evaluation in March, also prior to enrolment in the following academic year.