• Español

Master's Degrees

Master's Thesis

The Master's Thesis (TFM) is a work of 30 ECTS credits that each student carries out individually under the guidance of a Tutor. The purpose of this TFM is the accreditation by the student that he/she has acquired the skills associated with the degree and the pathway studied.

The Master's Coordination Commission will study the TFM proposals presented by the departments and the students' applications, and will assign the work according to the itinerary or specialty studied by the student.

The evaluation of the TFM will be carried out by a Tribunal, appointed for this purpose by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, which will be formed by a professor proposed by each of the departments that teach in the Master.


Students will have to prepare a written and oral dissertation that will include:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives and work plan
  • Results and discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography

The final grade awarded will be obtained by taking into account the Tutor's report (20-30%), the report prepared (40-60%), the oral presentation and knowledge demonstrated by the student (15-20%), and the written and oral command of Spanish and English (5-10%).