- Portada
- Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research
- Editorial Board and Review Process
Editorial Board and Review Process
Papers submitted to the JACLR need to follow the journal template and style >> JACLR Style guide
Papers pass non-blind and blind reviews. Accepted papers are sent back to their authors with recommendations for improvement. The review process could take up to two months. Authors assume responsibility for the ideas expressed in the material published. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation in case of disputes.
The Editorial Board and the Team of Reviewers are renewed every two years. If you wish to be part of JACLR send a message to SIIM coordinator
Editors-in-chief : Jaime Segura San Miguel & Asun López-Varela
Assistant Editors Research Unit> Paula Lobato Edurne Martínez Fernández & Pedro Mora Ramírez
Assistant Editors Artistic Creation Unit > Maya Caravella & Tatiana Portnova
Reviewers> María Amo Hernández Brenda Alvarez Lora Javier Luque Villar Patricia Lutzardo Rocío Moyano Marta Parrondo Chantal Rodríguez García Nerea Rodríguez Trinado Verónica Sánchez
Scientific Advisory Board: González Alcázar, Felipe (Prof.Titular, Univ. Complutense) ; Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel (Catedrático, Univ, de Córdoba) Losada Goya, José Manuel (Catedrático. Univ. Complutense) Martínez-Falero, Luis (Prof. Titular, Univ. Complutense) Martínez Sariego, Mónica (Profa.Titular, Univ. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Silvera, Marta (Profa. Ayudante Dra. Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Zalbidea, Maya (Profa. Ayudante Dra. UCM)