Laboratorios, seminarios y otras instalaciones

Carolina Fernández Castrillo


Assistant Professor of Cyberculture and Transmediality at the Department of Communication (University Carlos III of Madrid) and Visiting Scholar at the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Previously, she has been a Lecturer at the Doctorate Program of Culture and Media Industry at Bayreuth Universität and she was in charge of the Experiential Learning area at New York University-Madrid.

She is currently the principal researcher of the Project “Digital Media Culture: Intercreativity and Public Engagement” (VeDPH, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), as part of the Departments of Excellence Initiative (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, MIUR).

Regarding her academic background, she is European PhD at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and Sapienza University of Rome, where she has also been Lecturer. Prof. Fernández-Castrillo won the Extraordinary Doctorate Award and the Excellence Mention from Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard. She also obtained an invitation as Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University.

Among the international institutions where she has been Guest Researcher, we find Yale University, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Universiteit Utrecht and Bremen Universität. From 2009, she is Associate Researcher at ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, where she develops projects on Digital Innovation.

In the last years, she has been the Director of several international research groups as Studies on Intermediality and Intercultural Mediation (SIIM/UCM) or Visual Media and Digital Communication (UDIMA). She is part of funded research projects and she has collaborated with multiple institutions and research centers as the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3, UOC) or the  School of Creative Media (CityU of Hong Kong). She also contributed to the Jean Monnet Chair “The Culture of European Integration”.

Prof. Fernández-Castrillo has been invited editor as an expert in digital avant-garde and she is the author of several publications in international editorial houses as Routledge, Amsterdam University Press, Manchester University Press, Bulzoni Editore, etc. Finally, as expert in Media Art, she also works in the cultural management in collaboration with several institutions as Academia de España en Roma, Cervantes Institute, Fundación Juan March, Factoría Cultural Madrid (MATADERO), among others.



FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2018): “In search of here and now in Media Arts: A Media Archaeological Review”. In: Grabbe, L. C., Rupert-Kruse, P. and Schmitz, N. M. (eds.), Image Temporality: The relation of Time, Space and Reception of Visual Media, Marburg: Büchner-Verlag, pp. 118-132.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2018): “Analogical netwoks: Futurist revolutionary perception of the intermedial paradigm”. In: Göken, M., Nuledo, C., Savarini, N. and Wiehl, A. (eds.), Netwerke der Intermedialität: Theorien, Analysen, Praxis, Hamburgo: Dr. Kovac, pp. 167-280.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2018): “Velocità, a screenplay by F.T. Marinetti: From Futurist simultaneity to live streaming media”. In: Catanese, R. (ed.), Futurist Cinema: Studies on Avant-Garde Film, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 181-193.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2017): “EncyCloudPrado: posiilidades didácticas de las nuevas tecnologías para el acceso a la información en el ámbito museístico”. In: Tecnología, ciencia y educación. Revista de carácter científico multidisciplinar, vol. 7, pp. 10-28.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2017): “Inmersión e interacción. Del experimentalismo futurista a la vanguardia digital”. In: Beriain Bañares, A. (ed.), La omnipresencia de la imagen. Estudios interdisciplinares de la cultura visual, Madrid: Global Knowledge Academics, pp. 375-385.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2016): “Lyric Simultaneities: From ‘Words in Freedom’ to Holopoetry”. In: Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, vol. 13(2), pp. 125-136.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA y GIRLANDA, ELIO (2016): “Il cinema post-oculare: dal real-time al virtual time”. In: Imago. Studi di cinema e media, vol.12, pp. 31-41.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2015): “Intermedialities in Visual Poetry: Futurist ‘Polyexpressivity’ and”. In: López-Varela, A. and Sukla, A. Ch. (eds.), The Ekphrastic Turn: Inter-Art Dialogues, Champain, Illinois: Common Ground, pp. 281-362-381.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2015): “Del documental web interactivo a las transmediaciones en entornos conectivos: Highrise. In: odríguez-Ferrándiz, R. and Tur-Viñes, V. (eds.), Narraciones sin fronteras. Transmedia storytelling en la ficción, la información, el documental y el activismo social y político, Tenerife: Latina de Comunicación Social, pp. 131-146.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2015): “La saga Matrix como epitome de la condición digital”. En: El genio maligno. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, vol.17.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2014): “Presentación Media Art: Arte, Ciencia y Tecnología”. EDITORA DEL NÚMERO ESPECIAL SOBRE MEDIA ART: ARTE, CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA. En: Icono14. Revista científica de comunicación y tecnologías, vol. 12, pp. 1-8.

FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRILLO, CAROLINA (2014): “Prácticas transmedia en la era del prosumidor. Hacia una definición del Contenido Generado por el Usuario (CGU)”. En: CIC Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, vol. 19, pp. 53-67.