Grupos de investigación




CANTOS DELGADO, Clara., & MAÍZ ARÉVALO, Carmen. (Publicación en 2023). “‘I hear you like bad girls? I’m bad at everything’ A cross-cultural analysis (British-Spanish) of humour as a self-presentation strategy in Tinder heterosexual profiles”. European Journal of Humour Research.


LATORRE GARCÍA, Juan Antonio (Publicación en 2023). Revisión de ALTXA 1.2: Funciones y manejo del software para análisis de textos. Del Español: Revista de lengua, 1, 24-37.



MARTÍN DE LA ROSA, Victoria y LÁZARO LORENTE, Luis Miguel. (2022). Legitimating meritocracy as part of the American Dream through the ritual of commencement speeches. Linguistics and Education, 72, 101117. (https://doi: 10.1016/j.linged.2022.101117)



LATORRE GARCÍA, Juan Antonio (2021). Una introducción a los estudios de atribución de autoría en el ámbito disciplinario de la Lingüística Forense y al programa de análisis de textos ALTXA. Revista de Humanidades Digitales, 6, 13-21.

MAÍZ ARÉVALO, Carmen. (2021). ““Blowing our own trumpet”: Self-praise in Peninsular Spanish face-to-face communication”, Journal of Pragmatics, 183, pp.107-120.


MAÍZ ARÉVALO, Carmen. (2021). “Inspiring me, inspiring you: the use of inspirational quotes as a self-presentation strategy on WhatsApp statuses”, Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, 21-2, pp.67-80.


MAÍZ ARÉVALO, Carmen and ORDUNA NOCITO, Elena. (2021). “Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Cornerstone in EMI in-service Training Programmes in Higher Education”, Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI). 34, pp.159-184.


MAÍZ ARÉVALO, Carmen. (2021). “When humour backfires: How do WhatsApp users respond to humorous profile statuses as a self-presentation strategy?”, Internet Pragmatics, 4(1), pp. 111-130.


MARÍN ARRESE, Juana I. (2021) Winds of War: Epistemic and effective control in political discourse. Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación/Culture, Language and Representation, Vol. XXV, 1-19. (ISSN 1697-7750, E-ISSN 2340-4981)


MARÍN ARRESE, Juana I. (2021) Stance, Emotion and Persuasion: Terrorism and the Press. Journal of Pragmatics 177: 135-148. (DOI:


MARTÍN DE LA ROSA, Victoria y DOMÍNGUEZ ROMERO, Elena. (2021). Epistemic and non-epistemic modals: The key to interpreting the spirit of counter-terrorism United Nations Security Council resolutions. Journal of Pragmatics, 180, 89-101. https://doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2021.04.009





CANTOS DELGADO, Clara., GARCÍA GARCÍA, Pilar., & SAN ROMÁN CAZORLA, Julio. (2019). JACLR: Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research, 7 (1): 87-92.


MARÍN ARRESE, Juana I. (2019) Political Cartoon Discourse: Creativity, Critique and Persuasion. Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación / Culture, Language and Representation, Vol. XXII: 117-134. (ISSN 1697-7750 ·e- ISSN 2340-4981) (DOI: HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.6035/CLR.2019.22.7)


MARTÍN DE LA ROSA, Victoria y LÁZARO LORENTE, Luis Miguel. (2019). How women are imagined through conceptual metaphors in United Nations Security Council Resolutions on women, peace and security. Journal of Gender Studies, 28 (4), 373-386. https://doi:10.1080/09589236.2017.1331844.


 MARTÍN DE LA ROSA, Victoria y DOMÍNGUEZ, Elena. (2019). “A modality-based approach to the United Nations Security Council’s ambiguous positioning in the resolutions on the Syrian armed conflict.” Intercultural Pragmatics, 16 (4), 363-387. https://doi: 10.1515/ip-2019-0020



CANTOS DELGADO, Clara. (2018). Language in Wonderland: Referentiality and Power in Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. JACLR: Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research, 6 (2): 24-32. 


LATORRE GARCÍA, Juan Antonio (2018). Variaciones sociolingüísticas en la articulación de la <d> post-vocálica en hablantes madrileños. EntreLíneas, 2, 86-102.

MAÍZ ARÉVALO, Carmen (2018). «Sólo un poquito». El uso y funciones del diminutivo en español peninsular en dos grupos de Facebook, Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación 73, 33-52.


MAÍZ ARÉVALO, Carmen. (2018). Emotional self-presentation on WhatsApp: Analysis of the profile status, Russian Journal of Linguistics 22 (1), 144-160.



Carretero, Marta; Marín-Arrese, Juana I. & Julia Lavid-López (2017) Adverbs as Evidentials: An English-Spanish Contrastive Analysis of twelve Adverbs in Spoken and Newspaper Discourse. Special issue Current Issues in Corpus-based Contrastive Research. Kalbotyra 70 Kalbotyra 70: 32-59. (ISSN 1392–1517)


Domínguez Romero, Elena & Martín de la Rosa, Mª Victoria (2017) A percept/concept/ual approach to stereotype reading in Fowles’ Lieutenant’s Woman. Cogent Arts and Humanities 4:1. (ISSN: 2331-1983)


Maíz-Arévalo, Carmen (2017) Small talk is not cheap’: phatic computer-mediated communication in intercultural classes. Computer Assisted Language Learning 0: 1-15.


Maíz-Arévalo, C. (in press). “Emoticons in transactional and interactional exchanges: social networking chitchat versus working negotiation”. Revista de estudios ingleses Odisea 16.


Maíz-Arévalo, C. & Sánchez-Moya, A. (2017). ‘I know how you feel’: multifaceted insights into the expression of support strategies in computer-mediated-communication. In: C. Vargas-Sierra (ed.) Professional and Academic Discourse: an Interdisciplinary Perspective. EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics 2: 214-223. (ISSN: 2398-5283).


Martín de la Rosa V. & Lázaro Lorente, L. (2017). A cognitive-based approach to President Obama’s educational discourse through the lens of his State of the Union Addresses (2009-2016). Ibérica 33: 191-212.




Maíz Arévalo, C. (2016). Wortham, S., & Reyes, A. (2015). Discourse analysis beyond the speech event. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 29 (1): 338-343.


Martín de la Rosa V. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2016). Humanizing brands through story-telling in magazine advertising. Círculo de Lingüistica Aplicada a la Comunicación (CLAC) 68: 175-191.


Pérez Blanco, M. (2016). Translating multifunctional stance adverbs: A corpus-based study of the Spanish translations of ‘certainly’. Babel A.F.I.A.L 25: 51-73 (ISSN 1132-7332)


Pérez Blanco, M. (2016). ‘An important issue’: A corpus-based contrastive study of evaluation along the parameter of relevance in English and Spanish newspaper opinion discourse. RÆL-Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 15: 36-52 (ISSN 1885-9089)


Pérez Blanco, M. (2016). The Construction of Attitudinal Stance: A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of Negative Evaluative Adjectives in English and Spanish Opinion Discourse. Languages in Contrast 16 (1): 31-53. (ISSN: 1387-6759)




Bobkina, Jelena & Elena Domínguez Romero (2015) English Language and Literature: Towards a Model for Implementation of the English/Spanish Bilingual Curriculum in Spain. English Language Teaching 8 (2): 1-13. ISSN: 1916-4742


Cornillie, Bert; Marín Arrese, Juana I. & Björn Wiemer (2015) Evidentiality and the semantics – pragmatics interface. An introduction. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 29: 1-18.


Domínguez Romero, Elena & Jelena Bobkina (2015) Literature Mediated English in the UCM Degree in Modern Languages: A Pilot Study. TPLS Theory and Practice in Language Studies 5 (2): 235-246. ISSN: 1799-2591


Maíz-Arévalo, C. (2015). Jocular mockery in computer-mediated communication: A contrastive study of a Spanish and English Facebook community. Journal of Politeness Research 11(2): 289-327.


Maíz Arévalo, C. (2015). Typographic Alteration in Formal Computer-mediated Communication. Procedia. (Online:


Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2015) Epistemicity and Stance: A cross-linguistic study of epistemic stance strategies in journalistic discourse in English and Spanish. A Cross-linguistic Perspective. Special issue: M. González (ed.) Evidential and Epistemic Strategies in Discourse. Discourse Studies 17 (2): 210-225. (DOI: 10.1177/1461445614564523)


Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2015) Epistemic Legitimisation and Inter/Subjectivity in the Discourse of Parliamentary and Public Inquiries: A contrastive case study. Special issue: L. Filardo-Llamas, B. Kaal, C. Hart & M. Kopytowska (eds.) Time, Space and Evaluation in Ideological Discourse. Critical Discourse Studies 12 (3): 261-278. (DOI: 10.1080/17405904.2015.1013484)


Martínez, M. Ángeles (2015) Double deixis, inclusive reference, and narrative engagement: The case of you and one. Babel Afial 24: 145-163.  


Martínez, M. Ángeles (2015) -Ing supplementive clauses and discourse prominence in literary journalism. Journal of English Studies 13: 83-108.


Cruz-Moya, O. & Sánchez-Moya, A. (2015). Las instrucciones de los manuales de español para extranjeros y su heterogeneidad discursiva. AESLA & Centro Virtual Cervantes. E-AESLA 1. (ISSN: 2444-197X)


Sánchez-Moya, A. & Cruz-Moya, A. (2015). ‘Hey there! I am using WhatsApp’: a preliminary study of recurrent discursive realisations in a corpus of WhatsApp statuses. Procedia – Social & Behavioral Sciences 12 (2): 52-60. (DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.11.298)


Sánchez-Moya, A. & Cruz-Moya, O. (2015). WhatsApp, textese, and moral panics: discourse features and habits across two generations. Procedia – Social & Behavioral Sciences, 173: 300-306. DOI:




Bobkina, Jelena & Elena Domínguez Romero (2014) The Use of Literature and Literary texts in the EFL classroom. Between consensus and controversy. IJALEL JOURNAL. ISSN: 2200-3592


Domínguez Romero, Elena & Jelena Bobkina (2014) The Implementation of the New Master Program in Secondary Education Teacher Training: An Approach to its Evolution from the Perspective of the UCM Students. EduRe Journal. International Journal on Advances in Education Research 1(2): 95-108. ISSN: 2340-2504.


Maíz Arévalo, C. (2014). “I’m sorry I don’t agree with you”: Can we teach nonnative students pragmatic competence when expressing disagreement? Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 27(2): 433-453.


Maíz-Arévalo, C. (2014) Expressing disagreement in English as lingua franca: Whose pragmatic rules? Intercultural pragmatics 11(2): 199-224. (JCR-Impact Factor: 0.806)


Martín de la Rosa V. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2014). Is the Portrayal of Women’s Role Changing in UN Peacekeeping Resolutions? International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 4/11: 54-63.


Martínez, M. Ángeles (2014) Storyworld Possible Selves and the Phenomenon of Narrative Immersion: Testing a New Theoretical Construct. Narrative 22 (1): 110-131.




Blanco-Gómez, M.L. (2013) Destination Branding: The Case of Spain. Special Issue, 2013. Romanian Economic and Business Review 1: 108-128. Bucuresti: ProUniversitaria. (ISSN 1842 – 2497)


Bobkina, Jelena, Elena Domínguez Romero, & Miriam Fernández De Caleya (2013). Motivation and Attitudes towards English Language Learning Tertiary Education: A Contrastive Approach to Undergraduate Response to English as a Core Subject in the Engineering and Humanities Degrees. RIDE 10. (ISSN: 2007-2619)


Domínguez Romero, Elena (2013) Male Vs. Female / Mind Vs. Body: A Cognitive Discourse Approach to Two Plays by Shakespeare. Journal of Gender Studies 12 (1). De Gruyter. DOI: 10.2478/genst-20130001


Domínguez Romero, Elena (2013). Spanish Vs. English Mediated Lectures: A Contrastive Approach to the Use of Evidential Markers. LFE: Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 19: 287-308. (ISSN: 1133-1127)


Domínguez Romero, Elena (2013). Rasgos Discursivos de Shakespeare y Cunqueiro: Cultura Incomprendida y Alabanza Popular. Tonos Digital: Revista electrónica de estudios filológicos 24, 21 págs. (ISSN: 1577-6921)


Domínguez Romero, Elena & Rubén Jarazo Álvarez (2013). Álvaro Cunqueiro’s Shakespearean Adaptations in Galicia: Autobiography of a Dictatorship in Twentieth Century Spain. Linguaculture 2.1: 83-101. (ISSN: 1221-8421)


Fernández Pampillón Cesteros, Ana, Domínguez Romero, Elena & Isabel de Armas Ranero (2013) Análisis de la Evolución de los Repositorios Institucionales de Material Educativo Digital de las Universidades Españolas. RELATECVol. 12 nº 2. ISSN: 1695-288X


Maíz Arévalo, C. (2013). "Just click Like": Computer-mediated responses to Spanish compliments. Journal of Pragmatics, 51: 47-67. (JCR-Impact Factor: 0.700)


Maíz Arévalo, C. & García Gómez, A. (2013). "You look terrific!": Social evaluation and relationships in online compliments. Discourse Studies. DOI: 10.1177/1461445613490011. (JCR-Impact Factor: 0.934)


Maíz-Arévalo, C. & C. Santamaría (2013). Hibridismo entre el lenguaje oral y el escrito. Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos. Dossier: Cultura y nuevas tecnologías 761: 69-85. (ISSN: 0213-084X)


Maíz Arévalo, C. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2013). Students' response to CLIL in tertiary education: the Case of Business administration and economics at Complutense University. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 8: 1-17. (ISSN: 1886-2438)


Braga Riera, J. & Maíz Arévalo, C. (2013). CLIL and Translation in Tertiary Education. LFE: Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos 19: 33-64. (ISSN: 1133-1127)


Martín de la Rosa, V. (2013). Authorial voice behind the use of multimodal metaphors in Fashion Magazine Advertising. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 26:239-257(ISSN: 0214-4808)


Laura Hidalgo Downing, Kraljevic Mujic, Blanca & Begoña Núñez Perucha (2013). Metaphorical creativity and recontextualization in multimodal advertisements on e-business across time. Metaphor and the Social World 3 (2): 199-219. (ISSN 2210-4070)




Blanco Gómez, M.L. (2012) ‘Informing or Persuading Travellers: The Language of Airline Advertisements’. AULA Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca 18: 81-94. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca (ISSN: 0214-3402-CDU: 37)


Blanco Gómez, M.L. (2012). Reseña del libro English for Art and Humanities. A Dynamic Course for Professional and Personal Development. Mª Luz Arroyo Vázquez & Mª Eugenia Sánchez Suárez. La Coruña: Netbiblo, 2010. 184 pages. (ISBN-Netbiblio: 978-84-9745-529-9, ISBN-UNED: 978-84-362-5942-1). Ibérica, 23. Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz. (e-ISSN: 2340-2784). (ISSN: 1139-7241).


Domínguez Romero, Elena, Ana Fernández Pampillón Cesteros, & Isabel de Armas Ranero (2012): COdA: Una propuesta para la evaluación de la calidad pedagógica y tecnológica de los materiales didácticos digitales. RELADA. Revista Electrónica de ADA-Madrid 6(4): 312-320.


Domínguez Romero, Elena & Rubén Jarazo Álvarez (2012). A Multimodal Approach to Álvaro Cunqueiro’s Journalistic Literature: Faro de Vigo (1961-1981)/Via Panorâmica. E-journal of Anglo-American Studies 3 (1): 76-95. (ISSN: 1646-4728)


Maíz Arévalo, C. (2012). "Was that a compliment?" Implicit compliments in English and Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics, 44 (8): 980-996. (JCR-Impact Factor: 0.700)


Martín de la Rosa, V. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2012). North and South Perspectives: A Metaphorical Approach to the Role of Women in the Energy Sector. Babel A.F.I.A.L. 21: 101-118. (ISSN 1132-7332)


Martínez, M. Ángeles. (2012) -Ing Supplementive Clauses and Narrative Discourse Referents. IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 12 (2): 73-91. (ISSN: 1578-7044)




Domínguez Romero, E. (2011) Reading the Helicon Collage: Hidden Stories in the Collected Fragments. Miscelánea 44: 13-32. Zaragoza: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza (ISSN: 1137-6368)


Domínguez Romero, E. & Jarazo Álvarez, R. (2011) Álvaro Cunqueiro’s Journalistic Literature (Faro de Vigo 1961-1981): Text and Image in Twentieth Century Galician Media Under a Multimodal Approach. Via Panoramica. E-journal of Anglo-American Studies. Special Issue: Relational Forms. Essays on Intermediality 31: 75-95. (ISSN: 1646-4728)


Jarazo Álvarez, R. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2011) Hamlet and the Oedipus Complex in Twentieth Century Spain. A Galician Translation of the Elizabethan Myth. Bulletin Brasov 4 (53)1: 9-16. Brasov, Rumanía: Transilvania University Press (ISSN: 2066-768X) 


Jarazo Álvarez, R. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2011) Breaking Boundaries and Dislocating Myths in Álvaro Cunqueiro’s Función de Romeo e Xulieta, famosos namorados (1950): A Galician adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in the 20th century. ES: English Studies 32: 179-202. Valladolid: Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial de la Universidad de Valladolid (ISSN: 0210-9689)


Maíz Arévalo, C. (2011) Gender-based differences on Spanish conversational exchanges: The role of the follow-up move. Discourse Studies, 13 (6): 687-724. (JCR-Impact Factor: 0.934)


Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2011) Epistemic Legitimising Strategies, Commitment and Accountability in Discourse. Discourse Studies 13 (6): 789-797. (ISSN 1461-4456) (JCR-Impact Factor: 0.934)


Martín de la Rosa, M. V. (2011) Selling an MBA is a matter of rhetoric. RAEL. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 10: 141-153 (ISSN: 1885-9089)


Martín de la Rosa, V. & Lázaro Lorente, L.M. (2011) The Race to Educational Reform in the USA: The Race to the Top. Language and Education 25/6: 479-490. (ISSN: 0214-4808) (JCR- Impact Factor 0.550)


Pérez Blanco, M. (2011).The Language of Evaluation in English and Spanish Editorials: a Corpus-Based Study. (Explorations across Languages and Corpora, PALC 2009) (ed. Stanislaw Gozdz-Roszkowski). Lodz Studies in Language 24: 207-255. (ISSN: 1437-5281 / ISBN 9783631616772)



Braga Riera, J. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) Structural Calques: Source Language Interferente in CLIL Lectures in Spain.. Special Issue Research on CLIL 3. Vienna English Working PaperS VIEWZ 19(3): 5-11. (ISSN 2074-9856)


Braga Riera, J. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) “Calque-free lectures? Spanish cross-linguistic influence in content teaching through English”. ELIA 10: 113-135. Universidad de Sevilla (ISSN: 1576-5059)


Calvo Cortés, N. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) English and Spanish 'Love' Collocations: A Historical Evolution. Translation Journal 14: 2. Poughkeepsie, Nueva York, EEUU (ISSN: 1536-7207)


Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) Caliban and Ferdinand’s blending: two ways of servitium under the same speech model in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The Grove: Working Papers on English Studies 17: 45-56. Universidad de Jaén. (ISSN: 1137-005X)


Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) Atención a la diversidad en docencia universitaria. Adaptar para quién: el aula de inglés Revista electrónica: Diálogos Educativos 19. Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Santiago de Chile (ISSN-e 0718-1310).


Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) La temática pastoril y sus variantes clásicas como modelo discursivo en los cantes de “El cabrero”. Oceánide 2: 1-7. Universidad de La Coruña (ISSN-e 1989-6328)


Domínguez Romero, E. & Maíz Arévalo, C. (2010) Multimodality and Listening Comprehension: Testing and Implementing Classroom Material. Special Issue Multimodality and Listening. Language Value 2: 100-139. Universitat Jaume I. (ISSN: 1989-7103)


Jarazo Álvarez, R. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) El discurso shakesperiano en la cultura popular gallega: el papel de la prensa periódica de Álvaro Cunqueiro en “El Envés” (Faro de Vigo 1961-1981). Especulo (45). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ISSN: 1139-3637)


Jarazo Álvarez, R. & Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) Muerte, peste, hambre y miedo en la versión gallega de Romeo y Julieta. Garoza (10): 133-145. Universidad de La Coruña (ISSN: 1577-8932)



Maíz Arévalo, C. (2009) “What sholde I make a lenger tale of this?”: Linguistic and stylistic analysis of rhetorical questions in the Canterbury Tales. SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature. (ISSN: 1132-631X)


Martín de la Rosa, M. V. (2009) The Role of Pictorial Metaphor in Magazine Advertising. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 22: 167-180. Alicante (ISSN: 0214-4808)


Núñez Perucha, B. (2009) On the use of narrative discourse in advertising: Hybridity, Textual Voices and Gender Identities. RESLA 22: 291-306 Logroño (ISSN: 0213-2028).




Maíz-Arévalo, C. (2008) Aprendiendo a aprender: técnicas de autoevaluación en el aula de inglés. Pulso Revista de Educación, 30.


Maíz Arévalo, C. (2008) A multimodal approach to Gender construction in children’s stories: a case study. Clepsydra. Revista de estudios del género y teoría feminista, 7.


Maíz Arévalo, C. (2008) Peer assessment in the ESL classroom; a practical project. Porta Linguarum 9: 127-138


Marín Arrese, J.I. (2008) Construal and the Use of Impersonalization Strategies in English and Spanish in an FLL Context. LAUD-papers. Series A: Conference Abstracts. 430-463. (ISSN 1435-6473)


Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2008) Cognition and Culture in Political Cartoons. Intercultural Pragmatics 5.1: 1-18. (ISSN 1612-295X) (JCR-Impact Factor: 0.806)




Marín Arrese, J.I. (2007) Stance and subjectivity/intersubjectivity in political discourse. A contrastive case study. BELL (Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures) 5: 113-132. (ISSN 1376-295824)


Marín Arrese, J.I. (2007) Interview with Dirk Geeraerts: Cognitive sociolinguistics and the sociology of Cognitive Linguistics. Interview. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 5: 289-305. (ISSN 1572 0268)


Marín Arrese, J.I. (2007) Commitment and Subjectivity in the Discourse of Opinion columns and Leading articles: a Corpus Study. Special issue: Isabel Alonson Belmonte (ed) Different Approaches to Newspaper Opinion Discourse. RAEL: Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada. Volume 1: 82-98. (ISSN 1885-9089)


Dafouz Emma, Begoña Núñez& Carmen Sancho (2007). Analysing Stance in a CLIL university context: non-native speaker use of personal pronouns and modal verbs, in D. Coyle (ed.) International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.  Vol. 10 (5). Special Issue on CLIL. Clevendon, England: Multilingual Matters, págs. 647-662.


Núñez Perucha, Begoña& Emma Dafouz Milne (2007). Lecturing through the foreign language in a CLIL university context: linguistic and pragmatic implications. En: (Eds). U. Smit y Ch. Dalton-Puffer.  VIEWS Vienna English Working Papers. Current Research in CLIL 2, 16/3: 36-42.



Marín Arrese, J.I. (2006) Cognition and Culture in Political Cartoons. LAUD-papers. Series A: General and Theoretical papers, Paper nº 666.  (ISSN 1435-6473)


Marín Arrese, J.I. & B. Núñez Perucha (2006) Evaluation and Engagement in Journalistic Commentary and News reportage. In: J. Mateo Martínez & F. Yus (eds. 2006) Special Issue on Linguistics and the Media. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 19: 225-248. (ISSN 0214-4808)


Martín de la Rosa, V. (2006). “Metaphorical Representation of Political Activities in the BSE Crisis”. Textos de Filología. Volumen 12, 113-121.


Martín de la Rosa, V. (2006). “Old Semantic Primes: Substantives, Determiners and Quantifiers”. Atlantis. Volumen  XXVIII, 9-28.


Núñez Perucha, B. (2006). Distortions of the mind. From cultural models to domestic violence. Quaderns de Filologia. Estudis Linguistics XI.  (Volumen especial titulado  Critical Discourse Analysis), págs. 213-222.



Maíz Arévalo, Carmen & Francisco García Jurado. (2005) “The idiomatic expression of incoherent discourse: 'can’t make head nor tail'. Contrastive analysis in Latin and English”.  En Ruiz de Mendoza et al (eds.) Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics, vol. 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Martín de la Rosa, V. (2005). “The Contradictory Meaning of the European Union in Times of Crisis (the BSE issue): a Business or a Community?” Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 65-79.



Domínguez Romero, Elena (2004) Some Considerations on the Pastourelle in Shakespeare's As You Like It. SEDERI: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Estudios del renacimiento Inglés 14.199-206 (ISSN: 1135-7789)


Martín de la Rosa, V. (2004). “Language Evidence of a War Waged in Europe”. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada. Volumen 3, 102-114.


Pérez de Ayala Becerril, S. (2004) Reseña de “Miguel Angel Martínez-Cabeza 2003: The Study of Language beyond the Sentence: From Text Grammar to Discourse Analysis. ATLANTIS XXVI, nº2. Diciembre 2004, pp 157-162.