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Nº especial Journal of Information Policy (Penn State University Press)

Varios colegas de Derecho de la Información de la UCM, Chile, USA, publicamos en este número especial sobre el Derecho a la Imagen. Los co-editores han sido Rodrigo Cetina, colaborador de Cyberlaw desde hace años, y Sebastián Zárate.
En el  Editorial staff está el profesor  Amit Schejter, miembro de la Sección de Derecho de Iamcr que nos hizo llegar este mensaje. The Institute for Information Policy is excited to announce the publication of vol. 8 of the Journal of Information Policy. The 21 papers that comprise this volume are available at:


Special Issue: The Right to the Protection of One's Own Image in Ibero-America
Introduction to the Special Issue: The Right to the Protection of One's Own Image in Ibero-America and its Relevance for the Right of Publicity in Common Law Countries
Rodrigo Cetina Presuel and Sebastián Zárate Rojas
Implementation of the Right to be Forgotten in Chile: The Right to One's Image as an Essential Part of All People 
Ángela Moreno Bobadilla and Fernando Gutiérrez Atala
Old Wine in a New Bottle? Right of Publicity and Right to be Forgotten in the Internet Era (pp. 362-380)
José Manuel Martínez and Juan Manuel Mecinas
The Right of One's Own Image in the Recent Cases of Sexual Harassment in Film Industry: Applying the European Theory of Concentric Circles to Celebrities (In Particular, Women)
Loreto Corredoira
Right to One's Own Image in Spain: What It Is and What It Is Not 
Manuel Sánchez de Diego
Book Review
Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter
Review by: Benjamin W. Cramer
Book Review Reply
The Quest for Information Privacy in Africa
Alex B. Makulilo
The Journal of Information Policy brings contemporary scholarly research and analysis of significant information policy issues to the attention of policymakers in a timely fashion via an online format. It is a refereed scholarly journal that is multidisciplinary and international in scope and publishes articles, comments, book reviews, literature reviews, and invited commentary. The Journal of Information Policy is an Open Access Journal which means that all content is freely available immediately upon publication without charge to the user or his/her institution. Volumes 1-8 are available through JSTOR at: https://www.jstor.org/journal/jinfopoli 
We hope that you enjoy reading the new volume.  
Journal of Information Policy editorial staff.