Proyectos de Investigación

Research Team and Associated Entities

The development of such a program entails the joint work of research groups and teams of different orientation and disciplinary origin. Interest in heritage and tourism functions as a common link, however each team brings the added value of its specific focus, as reflected in their research trajectories. Groups responsible for the programme are the following:


  • Turismo, Patrimonio y Desarrollo (UCM-TPyD) (Tourism, Heritage and Development), directed by Miguel Angel Troitiño, Professor of Human Geography at the Complutense University of Madrid (Faculty of Geography and History). This group drives the common program of activities and acts as a coordinator.


  • Marketing sobre Comportamiento del Consumidor y Modelización y Marketing y Comunicación (UCM-MARKO2) (Marketing on Consumer Behaviour and Modelling and Marketing and Communication), directed by Jesús García de Madariaga. Faculty of Business and Economics, Complutense University of Madrid. The team brings its background in market research and tourist positioning strategies.


  • Espacio y Poder (UCM-EyP) (Space and Power), with María Velasco as coordinator researcher. Area of Political Sciences, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University. The team brings expertise in the evaluation and design of public policies, especially on culture and tourism.


  • Aula Gestión e Intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico e Industrial (UPM-APAeI) (Management and Intervention Class in Architectural and Industrial Heritage) with Fernando Vela as general responsible of a team consisting of members of the School of Architecture and the School of Industrial Engineering, both from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.


  • Estructura Social y Territorio. Arqueología del Paisaje (CSIC-EST/AP) (Social Structure and Territory. Landscape Archaeology), with María Ruiz del Árbol acting as responsible of a team ascribed to the Institute of History of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council).


Overall, the team consists of 31 researchers, of which 20 are PhD who are part of the permanent staff of their institutions, whether the Complutense University, the Polytechnic University and the Spanish National Research Council. It also stands a large group of doctoral students in the process of conducting their doctoral theses related to varying degrees to the Programme.


In addition to research centres and institutions of the Community of Madrid, our Programme has the support of other external groups, which are central objectives of the internationalization and networking. At present, researchers from several institutions are members of the team:


  • Urbanism Laboratory of the Universities of Paris (UPEC-UPEM-EIVP).


  • Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation (Politecnico, Torino).


  • Study group on the Central Region, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Escuela Superior de Arquitectura, Toledo and Escuela Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Ciudad Real).


  • Institute of Urbanism, University of Valladolid.


  • Research Group on Geography and Regional and Urban Development, University of Seville.


Additionally, listed as entities associated with the program, there is a wide range of organisms, at the level of governments, private companies and civil associations. To date, these entities are:


  • Central administration: Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España).


  • Regional administration: Area of Tourism, Culture and Tourism Office of the Community of Madrid (área de Turismo, Oficina de Cultura y Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid).


  • Local administration: the city councils of Chinchón, Colmenar de Oreja, Hoyo de Manzanares, Navalcarnero, San Lorenzo de El Escorial and the Foundation “Aranjuez Cultural Landscape” (Fundación Aranjuez Paisaje Cultural).


  • Civil associations: The Spanish Association for the Heritage Management (Asociación Española de Gestores del Patrimonio Cultural) and The Association for Education and Intercultural Youth Activities (Asociación para la Formación y Actividades Interculturales para la Juventud).


  • Private companies: CITEREA, MARCO LÓGICO y LEAR.


  • Other entities: I Parchi della Val di Cornia (Tuscany, Italy). 


In short, we have sought a balance between disciplines of Humanities and Social Sciences, between basic and applied research and between research experience and practical knowledge in heritage management at different scales (ensemble, landscape, territory).