Proyectos de Innovación

Recursos para docencia de acceso libre

Infografías, Blogshots y otros

Plataformas digitales para el diseño de infografías y con acceso  gratuito

- Infogram (, En español

- Piktochart (

- Easel (

- Canva (


- Krauss, Jane, 2012. «Infographics, more than words can say. Learning and Leading with Technology». Learning and Leading with technology 39 nº 5: 10-12
- López García, Juan Carlos, 2012, «Infografías y herramientas para elaborarlas», Eduteka


- American Heart Association, Healthy Eating 

- American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), Infografías

- BMJ, Infografías

- Canadian Nutrition Society, Infografías

- CDC, Infografías | Más | Más | Más |

- Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Dietistas-Nutricionistas, Infografías

- FINUT, Infografías

- The Lancet, Infographics

- PEN (Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition), Infografías | Here is an infographic of infographics |

- WHO/OMS, Multimedia



- Biblioteca Cochrane Iberoamérica


Materiales para el alumno de algunos Manuales de Nutrición

- Akabas, Lederman, Moore: Textbook of Obesity: Biological, Psychological and Cultural Influences, 2013

- Bender DA, 2002 | The foods you eat | Metabolism on-line | The virtual laboratory | Food composition | Test me | Practice calculations

- Gibney, Lanham-New, Cassidy, Vorster: Introduction to Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition, 2012

- Grosvenor, Smolin: Visualizing Nutrition: Everyday Choices, 3rd Edition, 2014

- Grosvenor, Smolin: Visualizing Nutrition: Everyday Choices, 4rd Edition, 2017

- Elia, Ljungqvist, Stratton, Lanham-New: Clinical Nutrition, 2nd Edition, 2013

- Lanham-New, MacDonald, Roche: Nutrition and Metabolism, 2nd Edition, 2011

- Lanham-New, Stear, Shirreffs, Collins: Sport and Exercise Nutrition, 2012

- Lovegrove, Hodson, Sharma, Lanham-New, Krebs: Nutrition Research Methodologies, 2015

- Research Chefs Association: Culinology: The Intersection of Culinary Art and Food Science, 2016

- Smolin, Grosvenor: Nutrition: Science and Applications, Binder Ready Version, 4th Edition, 2016


Otros materiales

- AESAN, Material didactico para profesores | vídeos

- AICR, Materiales para educación nutricional

- AND, Global Food and Nutrition Resource HubHow to Explain Basic Nutrition Concepts | Food Illustrations and Nutrient Charts

- BNF, Food a fact of life (recursos diversos -ppt, e-seminars, posters, vídeos, ...- sobre dieta saludable para niños y jóvenes de 3 a 16 años) | Vídeos

- FDA, Education Resource Library | Resources for you | Nutrition Facts Label Programs and Materials |

- FNIC, Food and Nutrition Education Centre | Nutrition education | Professional and Career Resources | NAL, USDA

- Food and Health Communications, Creative culinary resources for health educators. Algunos de acceso libre | Infografías |

- Harvard School of Public Health The nutrition source

- IFIC, Education

- NIH, Measurement Error Webinar Series (The series is intended for nutritionists, epidemiologists, statisticians, graduate students, and others with an interest in measurement error in dietary intake data. A basic level of familiarity with statistics and dietary assessment is recommended)

- NIH, National Hearth, Lung and Blood Institutes, US Department of Health and Human Services, We Can! Tools and Resources | Portion distorsion | Resources for health profesionals | Resources for the public

- Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Teaching resources

- Queensland Health, Australia, Nutrition Education Materials Online (NEMO)

- The MPH (Master of Public Health) online learning modules, Boston University School of Publich Health, 2016 | MENU

- UCDavis, University of California, Recursos | Nutrition to grown on | Connencting the dots

- UNED, Guía de Alimentación y Salud, Guía de Nutrición

- UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Food, nutrition and health | Healthy eating for kids |

- USDA, Eat healthy, Be active community workshops, talleres para promocionar un estilo de vida saludable, En inglés y en español |

- WCRF, Here to help

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

Notes and Queries Magazine, 1866, feb 24:153


Las manzanas de Cezanne (exposición de pintura de E. Canales, 2015)

René Magritte. Esto no es una manzana - 1964
René Magritte. Esto no es una manzana - 1964

Roberto Mezio - Frutero con manzanas verdes en caja de cartón
Roberto Mezio - Frutero con manzanas verdes en caja de cartón

H-Matisse-Still Life with Green Sideboard-1928

Henry Matisse - Still Life with Green Sideboard - 1928

Debbie Urquhart - Still Life with Yellow Auricula - 2005
Debbie Urquhart - Still Life with Yellow Auricula - 2005

Maurice Siéron - Still Life with Fruit Platter
Maurice Siéron - Still Life with Fruit Platter