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Original manuscript review and selection process

All the collections published by the Ediciones Complutense publishing company (except for Institutional, Co-publications, Miscellaneous, Complutense Literature Prize, Exhibition Catalogues and Hispania Epigraphica, which are governed by their own procedure) are governed by the review and selection process described below:


Publication request

Publication proposals must be submitted using the official form. All fields in this form must be completed and a chapter or complete text of the work must be provided in Word and PDF formats so that the proposal may be subject to consideration by Ediciones Complutense.

If the publication will receive external funding, the author must specify the amount thereof and the name of the partner entity.

Submitted works must meet the publication guidelines of the Publisher and fall under the themes of the corresponding collection. They must also meet the requirements on originality, scientific interest, relevance to the topic, conceptual and methodological rigour, contribution to knowledge, internal coherence of the text and clear explanations, valid and sound conclusions, and sufficient and up-to-date bibliography.

The works, which will be sent alongside the corresponding declaration of authorship, will be examined by anti-plagiarism software and reviewed by the technical staff of Ediciones Complutense in order to ensure that they meet the publication guidelines of the publisher. If this is not the case, they will be returned to the author(s) for rectification within 30 working days. They will then be reviewed again under the same criteria and the author(s) will be granted a period of 15 working days to include any pertinent changes, if necessary.

All submissions received will be registered according to the date of arrival and confirmation of receipt will be sent within ten working days.


Preliminary review

The request will be passed to the Chair of the Collection together with all the other documentation submitted for review at the Scientific Committee under publishing policy criteria, and a decision will be taken within ninety working days from receipt. If the request is rejected, the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense will issue the corresponding reasoned report within ninety working days. If it is approved, the author must submit the full text of the work within six months, if not already submitted, in accordance with the publishing guidelines available on the website. The author must send the manuscript to Ediciones Complutense in Word and PDF formats, together with the work data file, which will include the following information: name, surnames and contact details of the authorships, organisations to which they belong, title and subtitle of the work and date of delivery of the full text.

Once the full text has been received and after the corresponding anti-plagiarism analysis, it will be reviewed by the technical staff of Ediciones Complutense in order to ensure that it meets the publication guidelines of the publisher, as stated in the section entitled “Publication request”.


Double-blind peer review

The work will then be anonymised and submitted for review and reporting to two specialists of recognised standing in the field with no ties either to the institution to which the author belongs or Universidad Complutense, the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense and the Scientific Committee of the collection. In the event of a discrepancy, the opinion of a third reviewer will be taken into consideration.

The reviewers will be proposed by the Scientific Committee of the collection and they must return their reports within 30 working days.

The reviewers will review contributions according to a standard form and must issue an overall rating (Publishable/Publishable with corrections/Not publishable) based on the following aspects:

- Content: originality, scientific interest, relevance to the topic, methodology, conclusions and bibliography.

- Expression and presentation: structure and clarity of the text, conceptual rigour and internal consistency of the text, compliance with the publishing guidelines of Ediciones Complutense.


Final decision

The Scientific Committee of the collection will issue a reasoned ruling within 30 working days from reception of the reports from the reviewer(s) (publishable, publishable with corrections, not publishable), which it will pass to the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense alongside said reports. The latter will adopt a final decision within 30 working days. Signed by the Presidency of the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense, the ruling will be sent to the interested party by e-mail.

At the same time, when at least two reports are favourable (publishable / publishable with corrections), the considerations expressed by the external reviewer(s) for inclusion will be sent to the author anonymously.

The author will have a period of 30 working days to submit a report on the changes made and, if necessary, list those that have not been made alongside the reasons for not doing so. This document will be sent to the reviewers together with the final text of the work for review and approval within 15 working days. Lastly, the Chair of the Collection will assume responsibility for ensuring that the observations formulated by the external reviewers are included in the work by the author.

Finally, the author must deliver the declaration of good practice and transfer of rights as a preliminary step before signing the publishing contract. If the original includes figures, photographs, maps, graphics or any other kind of illustration or image, the author must also provide documentary evidence that the same are not subject to rights or that the pertinent reproduction authorisation has been obtained.


For further information, we recommend consulting the section on original manuscript selection diagram.