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Editorial policy

Ediciones Complutense promotes the publication of monographs and periodical publications of a multi-disciplinary nature with the clear goal of presenting high-quality content to society from three main fields: research, education and general interest. This content is connected to the scientific-social demands and concerns of the day and the publishing process is fully committed to transparency and respect for diversity, inclusion, equality and sustainability. There is also a firm commitment, that should not be forgotten, to encouraging the internationalisation of its products, fostering the publication of contributions in languages other than those of Spain.


The works published by Ediciones Complutense will become part of one of its active collections or journals based on its publishing line or policy.


Authors must submit their publications requests in the required medium and format as a prior step before review by the Scientific Committee of the Journal, the Scientific Committee of the Collection and the Editorial Board of Ediciones Complutense, as the case may be, and the obligatory double-blind peer review process.


The texts submitted must meet the publication guidelines of the Publisher and fall under the themes of the corresponding collection and journal. They must also meet the requirements on originality, scientific interest, relevance to the topic, conceptual and methodological rigour, contribution to knowledge, internal coherence of the text and clear explanations, valid and sound conclusions, and sufficient and up-to-date bibliography.


Generally speaking, publication proposals for conference proceedings, project results reports, translations of works that do not include a critical study, facsimile editions, master’s dissertations and doctoral dissertations that have not been reformulated for publication will not be accepted.

Ediciones Complutense is committed to quality at every stage of the publication process. This is demonstrated by an assessment by the SPI system (Scholarly Publishers Indicators) positioning it in 40th place on the general ranking of most highly valued Spanish publishers in 2018 (from a total of 385).


For the purpose of promoting the communication of editorial production from UCM, Ediciones Complutense forms part of the Unión de Editoriales Universitarias (UNE), enabling attendance at the most prestigious national and international trade fairs (Madrid, Granada, Frankfurt, Guadalajara (Mexico), FILUNI (Mexico), Buenos Aires, Bogota, Liber...)


The spirit of Ediciones Complutense also leads to occasional and stable alliances and partnerships with other public and private institutions for the publication of works or the delivery of copies of editorial products under a system of exchange. The Joint Publications Collection is the result of this activity.