• Español

Óscar Ignacio Mateos de Cabo

Current professional situation: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. School of Legal and Social Sciences. Department of Public Law I and Political Science. Constitutional Law Area.

Specialisation (UNESCO codes): 5605.04 (Constitutional law). Associate University Professor from 1-11-2008 to present. Research lines: State institutions and bodies; fundamental rights; Electoral law; Historical constitutionalism; Regional law; Theory of State; Community law; Political science.

Academic History: Bachelor’s Degree in Law. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (15-10-1999). Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Sociology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (25-07-1990). PhD in Law. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (24-06-2005). PhD in Political Sciences. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (29-10-1996).

He has been a member of six research projects. For the most recent, he was lead researcher of the R&D&I project entitled: The Legal-Labour Instruments against Social Exclusion within the Framework of the Social and Democratic Rule of Law. Present and Future from Comparative Law (Ref. DER2016-78332-R), of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competition, 24,200 euros, and 19 researchers from Spain, France, Italy and several Latin American countries).

Books: El derecho fundamental a la vida. Dykinson, 2020, O. I. Mateos de Cabo, Y. Quintanilla Navarro (Directors and Coordinators); Instrumentos jurídico-laborales de prevención y solución de la exclusión social en el Estado social y democrático de Derecho. Estudio comparado, Dykinson, 2019, Y. Quintanilla Navarro (Dir), O. I. Mateos de Cabo (Coord); La exclusión social: estudio comparado desde la perspectiva jurídica laboral y constitucional, Dykinson. 2018, O. I. Mateos de Cabo; Presente y futuro de los sistemas políticos y los modelos constitucionales: un estudio comparado, Dykinson. 2014; Estudios sobre Joaquín Costa: Derecho, política y humanismo en el marco de la Restauración Alfonsina, Dykinson. 2007; El Presidente del Gobierno en España: status y funciones, Ed. Ley-Wolters Kluwer, 2006, O. I. Mateos de Cabo (Coor.); La España del 98: política, pensamiento y cultura en el fin de siglo, Dykinson, 1999; Nacionalismo español y europeísmo en el pensamiento de Joaquín Costa: 98 y proyecto de modernización de España, Ed. Institución “Fernando el Católico” (Spanish National Research Council C.S.I.C.), 1998.

Over 30 chapters in collective works. Over 20 magazine articles, including those that appear in Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional (CEPC), Revista de las Cortes Generales, Revista Española de la Función Consultiva, Revista de Derecho Político, etc.

18 contributions to national and international conferences, a number of them as guest speaker. Periods of research at Università Degli Studi di Bari (Italy) and at Università Roma Tre. Other merits: PhD in Law Extraordinary Prize. National Accreditation Certificate, in the corps of Associate University Professors (25-9-2008). Two six-year periods of research in 2008 and 2015. Advisory Committee 09 (Legal Sciences). In January 2021, he applied for a third six-year period of research.

Five evaluations for teaching merits (five-year periods), four evaluation periods on teaching activity (DOCENTIA Programme), etc.