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Marta García Negroni

Marta García Negroni is a Professor of Arts from the University of Buenos Aires (1982) and has a PhD in Language Sciences from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (1995). In 2006, she received the Merit Diploma of the Konex Foundation in the field of Linguistic Theory and Literature. In 2017, she received the Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques medal from the National Education Ministry (France). In 2018, she received a Distinction for Academic Excellence from the University of Buenos Aires.

Since 2001, she has been a regular Associate Professor of Style Correction appointed for five-year terms at the School of Philosophy and Arts of the University of Buenos Aires and, since 2011, an Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities of the University of San Andrés, where she also runs the University Writing Centre.

She has taught master’s degree and PhD seminars on topics within her specialised field at various universities in the country and overseas (Universidad de Oviedo, 1996; Universidad de Campinas, 2001 and 2006; École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de París, 2002 and 2004; Université de Paris 7, 2004, 2005 and 2006; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2006; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2009; Pontificia Universidade de Rio Grande do Sul, 2009; Universidad de San Pablo, 2010; Université de Paris 8, 2011; Universidad Federal de Paraíba, 2012; Université de Paris 7, 2013).

Since 1997, she has been a member of the Career of Scientific Researcher of CONICET. Since 2012 to present, she has been a lead researcher. She has led various accredited research projects of the UBA and the Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion. Within the framework of these various research projects, she oversaw seven doctoral dissertation and 11 master’s degree dissertations. All of them obtained the highest possible grade. At CONICET, she directed the research of six PhD scholars, two post-doctorate scholars and two members of the Career of Support Staff. She is currently directing the research of two PhD scholars. She has also directed the research apprenticeships of four students writing their doctoral dissertations at UNICAMP (2006, 2008, 2010) and one student writing their doctoral dissertation at University of Valencia (2019).

Since 2008, she has been in category I of the Ministry of Education Incentives Programme. She has received grants and research subsidies from the Antorchas Foundation, ANPCyT, Universität Graz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the University of San Andrés. Her research focuses on the analysis of linguistic argumentation and enunciative polyphony. For several years, she has been developing the Dialogical Approach to Argumentation and Polyphony (EDAP), a theoretical and analytical model that defends viewing the linguistic expression of intersubjective relationships in the polyphonic-argumentative function of language whilst also analysing the argumentative dynamics intrinsic to meaning as essentially dialogical. Within the framework of her research, she has published over 50 articles in refereed specialised magazines, circa 50 chapters in books published by prestigious national and international publishers (Eudeba, Paidós, John        Benjamins, Mouton deGruyter, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Peter Lang, Visor, Colegio de México, among others) and several books (including,  Para  escribir  bien  en  español.  Claves  para  una  corrección  de  estilo,  2016; Sujeto(s),  alteridad  y  polifonía,  2015;  Los  discursos  del  saber.  Prácticas  discursivas  y enunciación  académica,  2011;  Gradualité  et  Réinterprétation, 2003;  La  enunciación en la lengua, 2001).

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