• Español


Joaquín Garrido Medina

Joaquín Garrido

Joaquín Garrido Medina is a University Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences and a member of the Department of Spanish Language and Theory of Literature at the Complutense University of Madrid. He was Director of the Department and Vice-Dean of Innovation and Studies in his faculty, as well as Vice-Dean of University Extension and of Teaching Spanish and other Languages at the Menéndez Pelayo International University; director of the Cervantes Institute of Albuquerque, United States; and professor at the Universities of Extremadura and Las Palmas.

He participated in research projects subsidised by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Autonomous Community of Madrid and the Complutense University of Madrid and was the chief investigator in various research and teaching innovation projects; lately he has been a researcher of the projects Grammar and discourse: study of sentence and discursive relations (FFI2010-20862) from 2010 to 2013, of Autobiographies of students: an immediate writing (FFI2010-16704) from 2011 to 2013, and joint chief investigator of the project Grammar and discourse: linguistic procedures of communicative interaction (FFI2013-41323-P) from 2014 to 2017. He is currently a researcher for the Spanish grammatical variation project: microparameters in the syntax-semantics-discourse interfaces (FFI2017-87140-C4-3-P).


He is the director of the UCM Discourse and Media (DIME) research group of the Faculty of Information Sciences and director of the UCM Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación (CLAC) journal, as well as a member of the editorial board of several journals. He was a member of the board of directors of the Spanish Society of Linguistics and is currently a member of the Association of Discourse Linguistics.

His lines of research are:

  • Discourse in the media in different languages;
  • the language policy of multilingualism;
  • the teaching of Spanish as a second language;
  • studies on other languages.

His books include Lógica y lingüística, Elementos de análisis lingüístico, Idioma e información, Estilo y texto en la lengua, Manual de lengua española.

He is the author of articles like:

  • "Segmentation of discourse and interaction", "Motion metaphors in discourse construction", "Diskurs zwischen Satz und Text am Beispiel von Pressentexten", "Concept et discours", "Style in news discourse and text";
  • "Language and state in Spain: The debate in opinion articles and linguistic policy options”, “Language and globalization: global English and pluricentric Spanish”, “Cultural convergence and divergence in Chinese and Spanish linguistics policies”, “Multilingual strategy and linguistics policy in Spain”;

(c), “Teachers and speakers in the teaching of Spanish as a second language”, “Adresse et distance communicative en Espagnol”, “Discourse linguistics and teaching of the Spanish language to Chinese speakers”, “Courtesy and persuasion in speech: digital interaction in emails of Spanish and Chinese speakers”;

(d) “Connecteurs et opérateurs: ‘même’”, “Expectations in Spanish and German adverbs of change”, “Characters versus letters: ideography and morphology in Chinese”, “Word and writing in Chinese”, “Thème et dislocation dans la langue parlée”.

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7526-4690

Raquel Hidalgo Downing

Angela Downing

Raquel Hidalgo Downing has a PhD in Hispanic Philology, specialisation in linguistics, from the UCM, with an Special Award, and also took a postgraduate course in Linguistics in the USA. She is currently Professor of Linguistics at the Complutense University of Madrid. She has taught undergraduate and graduate degrees in different subjects of linguistics, such as syntax, pragmatics, discourse analysis, methodology of teaching foreign languages, evaluation processes in foreign languages, linguistics and cultural studies, at different universities. She has participated and directed numerous educational innovation projects. In graduate school, she coordinates and teaches the Semantics and Pragmatics module in the Master's Degree course in Spanish as a Foreign Language at the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP). She is part of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Department of Linguistics and Oriental Studies, UCM).

She was also a member of the research team in numerous international, national and regional projects. She is currently a member of the Pragmatic Variation in the Expression of Courtesy in Spanish Project (Grupo Santander-UCM) and co-CI of the R + D + i Project Los procesos de la gestión de la imagen y la (des)cortesía: historical, linguistic and discursive perspectives. She is CI-Director of the Complutense Linguistics, Discourse and Corpus Research Group: didactics and technological applications (CORALINGO), with reference No. 90865. She was Secretary (2010-2013) and Director (2014-2019) of the scientific journal Estudios de Traducción (Editorial Complutense of scientific journals). She had different academic management assignments, as Academic Secretary of the University Institute of Modern Languages and Translators, Coordinator of the Degree in Linguistics and Applied Languages, Vice and Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Philology of the UCM. Member of the University Institute of Modern Languages and Translators since 2000, she has developed different postgraduate teaching works in linguistics and translation, research and management. Founding member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Discourse Linguistics.

Her research and publications focus on two main lines, the relationship between grammar and pragmatics-discourse, and applied linguistics. In the first line of research, she focused on the study of the relationship between grammar and pragmatics from a socio-cultural and discursive perspective, in several national, international and regional financed projects. Some of her most recent publications on this subject are: Márque Reiter, R. & Hidalgo Downing, R. (2020). "Intercultural Communication in a globalised world: the case of Spanish". In K. Doile & C. Félix-Brasdefer (Eds.), Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics. London, Routledge, pp. 305-320; Hidalgo Downing, R. (2019). “Las funciones pragmáticas y la posición del sujeto en español”. In Valeria Belloro (ed.), The syntax-pragmatic interface. Estudios teóricos, descriptivos y experimentales. Berlin, De Gruyter, pp. 67-91; “From intercultural pragmatics to pragmatic competence: a reflection from Spanish/English” (2018). “Mitigation in speech act production in native and non-native speakers of Spanish” (2017), (Strategies of indirectness in dispreferred speech acts in English and Spanish, Jonn Benjamins, 2014). On the other hand, in applied linguistics research, she was also a member of the Redinter European Network-Group and a research member of three European projects funded by the European Commission, aimed at the study and remote implementation of intercomprehension didactics, through ICT programmes.

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4930-7903