Grupos de investigación

Ocio en tiempos de confinamiento


El Grupo de Investigación Cultura Cívica y Políticas Educativas, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, conjuntamente con el Observatorio del Juego Infantil, ha llevado a cabo entre 2020 y 2022 la investigación Ocio infantil y juvenil en tiempos de confinamiento, con la participación de 270 familias y 127 jóvenes, niñas y niños.



Publicación de la investigación:


Camas, L; Martín-Ondarza, P. y Sánchez-Serrano, S. (2022) Game over? Perceptions of children’s and adolescents’ play and leisure during the COVID-19 lockdown, International Journal of Play
The restrictions adopted due to the COVID-19 health crisis established a new normality in the lives of children and adolescents in Spain. This study aims to explore the perception of adult caregivers and children and adolescents (from now CAs) regarding time, space, company, activities, screen time, and those aspects missed and desired during the lockdown. To do so, two online questionnaires were designed and distributed through foundations, schools and social networks. The sample consists of 270 adult caregivers and 126 CAs. The results show changes in play routines from the perspective of adults and CAs, who indicated that they: (1) had more leisure and play time, (2) had used various spaces at home, (3) had mostly played with their families, (4) had mostly carried out digital activities, (5) had seen an increase in their screen time and, lastly, (6) had missed and desired social interaction with their peers outside.


Lanzamiento, abril de 2020:


Avance de los resultados: 


Coordinadora: Laura Camas