INtensificación de PROcesos de interés QUImico y MedioAmbiental
(ref. 921544 https://www.ucm.es/grupos/grupo/363)
The INPROQUIMA group at the Chemical Engineering Department of Universidad Complutense de Madrid focuses its activities towards sustainable development research. INPROQUIMA's research lines are related to industrial and environmental processes in order to improve the quality of products, the energy balance, the process safety and environmental concerns. The group's evolution is strongly linked to the demand for knowledge in processes of industrial or environmental interest, maintaining the group's collaborations with different companies.
The current lines of research funded are:
- Microplastics removal from sludge and wastewater
- Soil and Water Remediation by In Situ Chemical Oxidation and Reduction processes.
- Water Treatment by Advanced Oxidation Processes.
- Purification of Cyclohexanone in Caprolactam Production.