• Español

Pedro Laín Entralgo (1908-2001)

The doctor and writer Pedro Laín Entralgo was born in Urrea de Gaén (Teruel) and died in Madrid. He studied primary medicine and sciences, and extended his training in the Vienna Psychiatric Clinic. He then provided medical services (as a psychiatrist) at the Valencia insane asylum and was professor of History of Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he was also rector between 1951 and 1956. After the student discontent in this final year he was removed.

Between 1942 and 1944 he managed the Editora Nacional, a period when he also managed the magazine Escorial. He was also a collaborator with the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council), member of the Royal Academy of Language, where he was also director between 1982 and 1987, and he was a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine.

His written work mainly focused on his medical speciality, history of medicine, although he frequently ventured into other fields as an essayist. His book “Descargo de conciencia” (1976), in which he self-critically reviews his Falangist past, considered some of his reflections about the legacy of José Antonio and aligned him with thinkers of the Generation of the 98, who he also dedicated his essay (La generación del 98, 1945) to years before. After his period of Falangism, he claimed, as a liberal from a Christian and pro-European perspective, to have rescued and redeemed Spain’s personality. In his work “España como problema” (1949) he renewed his concern for the professors of the 98 and insisted on the theme of “being Spanish”. This was met with a response, also in book form, from Rafael Calvo Serer with his work “España sin problemas”. Laín then dealt with this matter in “A qué llamamos España” (1971).

In his role as Historian of Medicine and Science we can find works such as “Estudios de historia de la medicina y de la antropología médica” (1943), “Historia de la medicina moderna y contemporánea” (1954), “Marañón y el enfermo” (1962), “Panorama histórico de la ciencia moderna” (1963), written in collaboration with J. M. López Piñero, “La medicina hipocrática” (1970) and “La medicina actual” (1973). Other works by Laín include “La espera y la esperanza” (1957), “La empresa de ser hombre” (1959), “Teoría y realidad del otro” (1961) and “Sobre la amistad” (1973). Some of his last written works include the essays “Cuerpo y alma” (1991), “Creer, esperar, amar” (1993); “Esperanza en tiempo de crisis” (1994), “Idea del hombre” (1996), “El problema del ser cristiano” (1997) and “La empresa de envejecer” (2000).

He also worked in theatre as a theatre critic and he also wrote a work. He received the National Prize for Theatre in 1970 and his interest remains clear in his collection of presentations “Doce calas teatrales en la vida del siglo XX” (1995). He received an honoris causa degree from several universities, and among the numerous awards that he has received throughout his extensive career, the Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities (1989) and the Menéndez Pelayo International Award 1991 for his work in the field of history of science are the outstanding awards.


Articles signed by Pedro Laín Entralgo in El País.
Elena Hernández Sandoica and José Luis Peset Reig, “Laín en la Universidad de Madrid”, Cuadernos hispanoamericanos, nº 446-447 (1987), pp. 87-112. (Number dedicated to: Tribute to Pedro Laín Entralgo).
Diego Gracias Guillén; José Manuel Sánchez Ron; Gonzalo Anes y Salustiano del Campo (coords.), Pedro Laín Entralgo en su centenario, Madrid, Instituto de España, 2008.

Carolina Rodríguez López


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Rectors: Pedro Laín Entralgo