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Pedro Laín Entralgo (1908-2001)

Pedro Laín Entralgo (1908-2001)

He earned his bachelor's degrees in Chemistry and Medicine from the University of Madrid. After a brief stay in Valencia, he earned his doctorate in 1941 for his thesis entitled "The problems of relations between Medicine and History".

Closely related to Dionisio Ridruejo and his group of Fallangist intellectuals, he became Professor of History of Medicine at the University of Madrid in 1942. In 1943, he promoted the creation of  the Arnau de Vilanova Institute of History of Medicine (Instituto Arnau de Vilanova de Historia de la Medicina) as part of the National Scientific Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas).

In 1952, he was appointed Rector of the university by the Minister Joaquín Ruiz Giménez,  and he was committed to the timid open-mindedness movement that the Ministry promoted.  The first significant student protests in 1965 would lead to him being dismissed from both positions.


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