• Español

Silvia Iglesias Recuero

Silvia Iglesias Recuero has a PhD in Hispanic philology, with a specialization in linguistics, from the Complutense University of Madrid, and currently she is a tenured professor in the Spanish Linguistics and Literary Theory Department at that same University. She has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses on historical syntax, discourse grammar versus sentence grammar and pragmatics. She has focused her research on linguistic pragmatics and discourse analysis. She has been a visiting professor at Spanish (Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Seville, University of Granada) and foreign universities (University of Tübingen, University of Freiburg, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru). As a researcher, she has been part of several competitive projects and she has been PI of the last two, Conceptualización, ideología y contextos en los cambios semánticos y léxicos del español entre los siglos XV al XVI (FFI2009-14079) and Pragmática y gramática en la historia del español: la expresión de la cortesía en el español clásico (FFI2014-53113P).

Her most relevant research is summarized below.

She has studied the relationship between historical grammar and discursive structure, analyzing the history of several discourse markers: “La evolución histórica de pues como marcador discursivo hasta el siglo XV” (BRAE 2000), the historical evolution of the markers al fin, en fin and finalmente (Madrid, Ed. del Orto, 2007) or por cierto (Limoges, Lambert-Lucas, 2015); in this same line of research, she has studied other constructions: completive cómo (Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2002), causal ca/que (Oralia, 2000) or si será… (Madrid, Ed. Clásica, 2000), que si… (Seville, 2011), typical of colloquial oral discourses; adversative constructions in Sintaxis Histórica de la Lengua Española (Chapter 22, Third Part), directed by Professor C. Company (Mexico, FCE-UNAM, 2014); repair sequences and echo questions in La Celestina (Estudios Humanísticos, 41, 2019) and the role of direct speech in the narration of traditional Romancero (plenary presentation at the VI Congreso Internacional del Romancero, UCM, December 2019). She has co-edited with Araceli López Serena the Notebook 2, Volume 22, of the journal Oralia (2019).

Regarding linguistic politeness, she has dealt with forms of address analyzing the grammatical, pragmatic and discursive conditions at the origin of vuestra merced (Madrid, Arco / Libros 2008) and, in collaboration with Bustos Gisbert, the distribution of usted and on the last third of the 19th century (Madrid, Ed. Complutense, 2003). Recently she has studied the history of courtesy when performing speech acts. In her thesis (Oralidad, diálogo y contexto en la poesía lírica tradicional, Madrid, Visor, 2001) she already analyzed meticulously several speech acts that shape traditional poetry. She is currently focused on the study of requests and other directive speech acts in the history of Spanish language, on which she has published several essays “Aportación a la historia de la cortesía. Las peticiones en el siglo XVI” (Rome-Stockholm 2010), “Otra cara de la pragmática histórica: la historia de los actos de habla. Peticiones y órdenes en las Novelas ejemplares de Miguel de Cervantes” (Seville, 2016) and “Mecanismos de atenuación en las peticiones: de ayer a hoy” (LEA, 2017). She was invited to give a plenary lecture at the 11th International Congress on the History of the Spanish Language (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima, July 5-10th, 2018), where she presented the results of the FFI2014-53113P project, which will be published by Peter Lang Publishing. She has two upcoming chapters (“Pragmática y cambio lingüístico” and “Sociopragmática histórica”) in the Enciclopedia de Pragmática, from the publishing company Akal, directed by Professors Escandell, Amenós and Ahern. The also upcoming Pragmática histórica del español (University of Seville) is the result of the R+D seminar of the same name hold during the previous project. In addition to being the author of one of the contributions, she will co-edit the volume with Eugenio Bustos Gisbert.

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