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Rosa San Segundo Manuel

Rosa San Segundo Manuel is a full professor in the Department of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation of the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M) and Director of the University Institute for Gender Studies at the same university.

She is an expert in Classification Systems, Organization of knowledge and Gender Studies, which are the bases for her research and teaching. She participated in more than 20 research projects (MINECO, FECYT, Regional and IMIO), being Chief Investigator (CI) in 11 of them. She is currently co-CI of the Comprehensive Protection of Gender-Based Violence Victims Project through multimodal affective computing and participates in the projects Detection of fear through audiovisual and neurotransmitter sensing and EEG to identify risk situations in Gender Violence (ARTEMISA-CMUC3M) and EMPATHY for the European Research Council (National Research Agency).

She is a member of the Advisory Board of the UDC International Consortium (UDC Consortium Advisory Board), the AENOR Standardisation Committee 50 and member of Meetings of ISO/TC 46 Information and Documentation, International Organization for Standardisation. In 2014, she received the World Library award. She is a member of the Working Group "Women and Internationalisation" of the Secretary of State for Commerce of the Ministry of Industry (Spain). She was President, Vice President, Secretary and Member of the Iberian chapter ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization), and belongs to its international scientific committee. She was secretary and president of the Personnel Board, and director and secretary of the Department of Library and Information Science (UC3M). She works in various national and international committees on standardisation and ISO standards. She collaborates in scientific committees of JCR/SJR journals and research evaluation agencies (ANECA, ACSUCYL). Since 2017, she has been a founding member of the UC3MM4Safety team with which she has filed a patent for the multimodal system to determine an emotional state (BINDI) focused on the protection of gender violence victims. With BINDI, she won the XIII Vodafone Award for Innovation (2019) and was a semi-finalist in the international XPRIZE Women’s Safety contest (2018).

She played a major role in the social transfer of scientific knowledge in favour of equality and the educational principle of non-discrimination, giving more than 20 guest presentations per year at Public and Civil Organization Entities both nationally and internationally. She is the president of the Management Board of the University Platform for Feminist and Gender Studies (EUFEM).

She is the author of numerous publications, among which are: Satija, M.P., Martínez-Ávila, D., & San Segundo, R. (2018). Library Classification and S R Ranganathan: A Guide. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications; San Segundo, R., & Codina-Canet, A. (2019). Enunciation of gender violence and educational framework for its prevention. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 8 (1), 26-47; Codina-Canet, A., & San Segundo, R. (2016)  Proposal of a Feminist Archive Centre after analysis of the documentary resources of the Feminist Movement. Spanish Journal of Scientific Documentation, 39 (1); San Segundo, R. (2019). Conceptualización de la violencia de género. In Manual of Specialist in Management of Equality Policies (pp. 127-295). Navarre: Aranzadi and San Segundo, R. (2019). Primeras bibliotecarias en la protección del patrimonio bibliográfico. In Weaving the past: cultural heritage and profession, in female gender (pp. 279-295). Community of Madrid, General Directorate of Cultural Heritage.

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