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Rafael Bonilla Cerezo

Rafael Bonilla Cerezo teaches at University of Córdoba (Spain) and University of Ferrara (Italy). He is a specialist on the work of Góngora, Baroque short novel, mock-epic and literary adaptations to cinema. He has published the monographs Lacayo de risa ajena. El gongorismo en la Fábula de Polifemo de Alonso de Castillo Solórzano (2006) and Soledades ilustradas. Retablo emblemático de Góngora (with Paolo Tanganelli, 2013). He has also published four editions following the method of Neo-Lachmannian philology: Novelas cortas del siglo XVII (2010), Zoomaquias. Épica burlesca del siglo XVIII (with Ángel Luis Luján, 2014), la Mojiganga del gusto en seis novelas de Andrés Sanz del Castillo (with Andrea Bresadola, Giulia Giorgi y Paolo Tanganelli, 2019) y Tiempo de regocijo y carnestolendas de Madrid de Alonso de Castillo Solórzano (with Matteo Mancinelli, 2022).

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