• Español

Paloma Cuenca Muñoz

Associate Professor in the Department of American and Mediaeval History and Historiographic Sciences. Dr. Cuenca Muñoz is a specialist in palaeography. After obtaining a Degree in Hispanic Philology (1988), she completed her doctoral dissertation in 1993. Besides her teaching work, she is also engaged in palaeographic transcription and cataloguing, having catalogued collections for various libraries (Biblioteca Colombina; Judaic Mediaeval texts; Colección Diplomática de la Orden de Alcántara; Archivo Histórico Nacional, etc.). She is author of the "Tractado de la divinança de Lope de Barrientos. La magia medieval en la visión de un obispo de Cuenca”. Ed.: Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Cuenca, Instituto Juan de Valdés, Cuenca 1994, two editions and five in collaboration, as well as dozens of articles in magazines and collective works. She has taken part in numerous research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, as well as in specialised seminars and national and international conferences.

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