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Olga Pérez Monzón is Full Professor of Medieval Art in the Department of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid (2023) . Previously, she was professor (2010) of Medieval Art in the Department of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid and an associate, contracted and tenured professor (2007) in the Department of History and Art Theory of the Autonomous University of Madrid.

She developed her doctoral studies at the Complutense University of Madrid with the thesis El Arte en Castilla y León and the Order of the Hospital de San Juan de Jerusalem: the encomiendas de la Guareña and its geo-historical environment (director: Dra. Aurora Ruiz Mateos), Extraordinary Doctorate Award (1996). She has been granted several research scholarships such as a Researcher Training Scholarship from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Postdoctoral Scholarship from the Community of Madrid and other scholarships granted by the Ortega y Gasset Foundation, La Caixa Foundation or the Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos of the Zamora County Council.

Her research work has focused on late medieval Castile, with several main lines of study. The first revolves around the parameters of visual culture specially regarding the text-image interaction, the contemplative approaches to the pictorial work or artistic scenography, and also dealing with issues related to its own materiality. Likewise, she has focused her research on the imaginary of those who are powerful; the anthropology of the image regarding popular religiosity and its cultic uses; or the artistic manifestations of military orders, the initial subject of her research career. This research work has resulted in about 90 publications composed of books (3 complete volumes, 4 as a co-author, 4 directed at a popular audience), editing (3 in collaboration with M. Miquel), chapters (20), articles (29), national and international congress presentations (around 30), catalog sheets and introductory chapters. Some of her contributions have been awarded in public calls such as the award Manuel Corchado and the research award Comendador Pedro de Monserrat.

She has been the principal investigator of the project Redes pictóricas, coleccionismo y mercado de la pintura tardogótica en Castilla (UCM-Santander PR75 / 18-21601) and she currently is principal investigator of the project Corte y cortes en el tardogótico hispano. narrativa. memoria y sinergias en el lenguaje visual (PGC2018-093822-B-IOO. In collaboration with M. Miquel). As a researcher, she has also been part of almost a dozen projects financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Science and Technology and the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a member of two consolidated research groups of that same university (Arquitectura e integración de las artes en la Edad Media and Sociedad, poder y cultura en la Corona de Castilla, siglos XIII-XVI) and the international group IAFT.

Her career was also complemented attending or directing teaching innovation projects (Innova Docentia). She attained very positive assessments in the Docentia program, achieved a six-year period research transfer and acted as an external evaluator in research journals, publishing companies and the quality agencies of the University System of Castile and León and the Balearic Islands.