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Mercedes Fernández Paradas

Full Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Contemporary History of the Universidad de Málaga. She is Secretary of the aforementioned Department and Coordinator of the Degree in History at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universidad de Málaga. She specialises in urban history, public service history, the history of energy and economic history. Past research placements at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Universidade de Évora, with 4 five-year teaching terms and 3 six-year research terms recognised.

She has been the lead researcher on such R&D Projects as “The gas industry in Spain: regional development and track record (1842-2018)", funded by the Spanish Government and ERDF funds. She has published articles in high-impact journals indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus, such as Business History, Ayer, Historia Contemporánea, Revista de Historia Industrial Economía y Empresa, etc., and book chapters for such leading publishing houses as Palgrave, Routledge, Pirámide, Marcial Pons, Silex, etc. She is the author of books including La industria del gas en Córdoba (1870-2007) (Lid Editorial/Fundación Gas Natural, 2009) and La industria del gas en Cádiz (1845-2012) (Lid Editorial, Fundación Gas Natural Fenosa, 2015).

She has coordinated various educational innovation projects, the most recent entitled "Implementation of Improvements in the Teaching-Learning Process in Heritage Education in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education", funded by the Universidad de Málaga. Within this field of educational innovation she has coordinated various books, such as La Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales ante la necesidad de nuevas narraciones en el siglo XXI. Digitalidad, nuevas tecnologías y competencias documentales (Comares, 2017, in collaboration with A. R. Fernández Paradas); Educación y Felicidad en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Un enfoque holístico para el desarrollo de la creatividad en la era digital (2019, Tirant lo Blanch, in collaboration with A. R. Fernández Paradas, L. Tobar Pesántez & R. Ravina Ripoll); & Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Interrelaciones con las nuevas tecnologías en la sociedad del conocimiento (Narcea, 2020, in collaboration with A. R. Fernández Paradas, L. Tobar Pesántez & R. Ravina Ripoll).

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