• Español

María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez

Holder of a University Chair at the Universidad de Jaén and member of the Department of Teaching of Musical, Plastic and Bodily Expression at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Science, teaching classes in Physical Education on the Degree in Primary Education and the specialist Physical Education subject on the Teaching Master's, which she coordinates, alongside the Doctorate Programme in Educational Innovation and Teacher Training (Royal Decree 99/2011) which incorporates all the teaching areas of the Faculty.

In line with this teaching work, her field of research comprises Teaching of Physical Education and Sport, including innovation, gender and teacher training. Innovation connected with Physical Education in other subjects through active movement, gender, as a continuation of her doctoral thesis in women's Physical Education in Spain during the Franco era, and teacher training, developing new educational methods and analysing teacher characteristics. She is also the Lead Researcher of the HUM653 Research Group in Educational Innovation in Physical Activity (IDAF).

Her greatest academic achievements include the direction of 41 doctoral theses in the field of education, physical activity and health, three of which received an Extraordinary Award, both in Spain and abroad. She has published a total of 200 articles in different databases (JCR, SCOPUS...), 106 book chapters and 25 books, three of which published by Spain's leading publishers (Masson; Grao, Síntesis, Pearson Educación. Pentice Hall; Universitas; Alianza Editorial; EOS Universitaria; CSS; Inde; Paidotribo; Gymnos; Wanceulen…) indexed in SPI. Along similar lines, she has been involved in 31 national and international research projects, various innovation projects and a patent with a Ukrainian University. This has resulted in three CNEAI research periods in the years 2003, 2009, 2015, and a CNEAI transfer period in 2019.

She coordinates Erasmus contracts throughout Europe and South America, tutoring more than 30 students per year, and has performed placements in those countries with which agreements exist. Particular mention should be made of her four qualifications: two degrees, one master's and one doctorate in the field of Education and Physical Activity. She has directed doctoral programmes in Spain and in Cuba, and participated in others in Chile, Argentina and Brazil.

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