• Español

María Linacero de la Fuente

Chair of Civil Law at the UCM Faculty of Law, where she has taught on the Degree and Doctorate courses since 1989. She was an advisory board member at the Directorate-General for Registers and Notaries (2009-2011) of the Ministry of Justice; a member of the Commission responsible for drafting legislative proposals, including the Civil Register Act of 21 July 2011; a member of the Land Registrar examination board in 2011; a member of the Judge and Public Prosecutor examination board in 2018-2019, etc.

Author of numerous textbooks in her specialist field, such as Régimen patrimonial de la patria potestad (Montecorvo, 1990); El nombre y los apellidos (Tecnos, 1992); Protección jurídica del menor. Comentario a la Ley 1/1996, de 15 de enero (Montecorvo, 2001); Derecho del Registro Civil (Cálamo, 2002), Las acciones de reintegración en la Ley Concursal (Reus, 2005); Derecho de la persona y de la familia en el Siglo XXI  (Ed. Complutense 2009); Tratado del Registro Civil (Tirant lo Blanch, 2013); Derecho Civil I, Introducción al Derecho Civil. Derecho de la Persona Derecho subjetivo Negocio jurídico (Tirant lo Blanch, 2013); Ineficacia y rescisión del negocio jurídico. la ventaja injusta (Tirant lo Blanch, 2019); Introducción al sistema jurídico, Civil (Tirant lo Blanch, 2020). She has also served as the editor of numerous collective works, and has written many articles in indexed scientific publications: Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, Revista de Derecho Privado, Actualidad Civil, Poder Judicial, Revista General de legislación y jurisprudencia, Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, La Ley, etc.

She received the "Rosa María López Toral" public competitive award for academic articles concerning the legal protection of children (State Legal Service, 28 June 1999) and the "Singular Infancy Award" (Autonomous Region of Madrid, November 2001), and also received a special mention for interest and quality under the "Línea 3000" Research Award (UCM, 2009).