• Español

José Luis Sánchez Noriega

José Luis Sánchez Noriega is a professor of Film Theory and History of Cinema at the Complutense University of Madrid and a lecturer at the IES-Madrid center for North American students. He has been coordinator of the Master's Degree in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture (UCM - UAM - Museo Reina Sofía) and responsible with Professor Virginia Guarinos for the R+D research project «Desplazamientos, emergencias y nuevos sujetos sociales en el cine español (1996-2011)». Part of the results of this and previous projects were featured in publications he coordinated: Filmando el cambio social (2014), Spanish Cinema 1982-1996. Trajectories, Cycles and Looks (1982-1998) (2017), Imaginarios y figuras en el cine de la postransición (2019) and Cine español en la era digital: emergencias y encrucijadas (2020).

He wrote Crítica de la seducción mediática (Tecnos, 2002, 2nd ed.) thanks to a literary creation (essay) grant from the Ministry of Culture. His more relevant books are Icíar Bollaín (Cátedra, 2021), Universo Almodóvar. Estética de la pasión en un cineasta posmoderno (Alianza, 2017), Thematic Dictionary of Films (Cátedra, 2004), Obras maestras del cine negro (Mensajero, 2003, 2nd ed.), From Literature to Film (Paidós, 2000) and Desde que los Lumière filmaron a los obreros (Nossa y Jara, 1996). He is also the author of the manual Historia del Cine. Teorías, estéticas, géneros (Alianza, 3rd ed., 2018), still relevant in many universities.



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