• Español

José Luis García Barrientos

Doctor in Philology, graduate in Hispanic Philology and French Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), where he was a Research Personnel Training fellow (FPI). He is currently a Research Professor in "Literature Theory and Comparative Literature" for the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). He has been an associate professor in the same field of study at the UCM and the University of Seville, a professor of the Doctoral Programme in "Theatre History and Theory" at the UCM, Director of Humanities at the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid (UC3M), member of the Academic Board for doctorate degrees at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina) and Full Professor of Language and Literature at Madrid’s Instituto Cardenal Cisneros. He is also a founding member of the Instituto del Teatro de Madrid, a professor for the Master's Degree in Theatre and Performing Arts at the UCM and the Master's Degree in Theatre Creation at UC3M, visiting professor at the Universidad de las Artes de La Habana and lead researcher on the Spanish Government’s National R+D+I project on "Analysis of current dramaturgy in Spanish": (1) “Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, Spain” (2009-2011); (2) “Chile, Uruguay, Costa Rica” (2012-2014); (3) “Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico” (2015-2019).

He has five recognised six-year research periods (sexenios) from the CNEAI (Spanish National Commission for the Evaluation of Research) and six research merits (five-year periods) granted by the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council); where he has been a member of the research groups on Literary Semiotics (1978-1985), Theory of Literary Language (1986-2002) and is currently head researcher for the Discourse Analysis group (2003-2015). He has been continuously involved in a total of eighteen different funded research projects. He has directed fourteen doctoral theses and forty master's or advanced study dissertations. He has been a visiting researcher and visiting professor at foreign universities and research centres in France (1975, 1976, 1977), Italy (1983-1986), Colombia (2002, 2016, 2018), Argentina (2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2017), Mexico (2005, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2018), Switzerland (2007, 2008), Uruguay (2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2017), Cuba (2009, 2012, 2015, 2016), Chile (2009), Egypt (2009), Costa Rica (2010, 2019), Panama (2010), USA (2011) Poland (2014), Slovenia (2014), Peru (2015) and Puerto Rico (2016). He has spoken at conferences, been invited as a guest lecturer and taught specialist courses at numerous foreign universities and both foreign and Spanish research centres: CSIC, CONICET (Argentina), Instituto Caro y Cuervo (Colombia), CITRU (México), Casa de la Memoria Escénica (Cuba), Instituto Superior de Arte (Cuba), University of Lausanne, University of the Republic (Uruguay), Complutense, Carlos III in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Granada, Santiago de Compostela, Oviedo, Costa Rica, Panama, Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina), Buenos Aires (UBA), Puerto Rico (UPR), National Autonomous University of México (UNAM), Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS), Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), the Católica in Chile (PUC), the Pacífico (Peru), the Antioquia and del Valle (Colombia), the Artes-ISA (Cuba), Ain-Shams University (Egypt), Warsaw, Ljubljana, Miami, etc.

Editor of the Revista de Literatura (CSIC) and the “Anejos de Revista de Literatura” (CSIC) editorial collection; member, as an international expert, of the “Cuban Theatre Digital Archive” Steering Committee at the University of Miami, of the Board of Directors for the Master in Theatre Creation at the UC3M, the Academic Committee for the Theatre Studies Doctoral Programme at the UCM; coordinator of the Theatre Area for the Diccionario Español de Términos Literarios Internacionales (DETLI); member of the Advisory Board of the “Casa de la Memoria Escénica” (Cuba), part of the Ibero-American Network of Archives, and the “Théatron. Theatre Theory Group” (UBA); Literary advisor for the UC3M Theatre Group; member of the Editorial Board of Philologica Canariensia (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), the Editorial Committee of Acotaciones. Revista de investigación teatral (RESAD), of the “Candilejas” editorial collection (Sial-Pigmalión), of the Scientific Committee of Pasavento. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (Universidad de Alcalá), of Anagnórisis. Revista de investigación teatral, of the editorial collection “Investigación teatral” (Ediciones Complutense-RESAD), of the Advisory Board (Referate) of the magazine Boletín GEC (UNCuyo, Argentina), of the International Advisory Board of Escena. Revista de las artes (Universidad de Costa Rica), of the Scientific Committee of Confabulaciones. Revista de Literatura Argentina (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán), of the Consultative Board of Dialogía. Revista de lingüística, literatura y cultura (Instituto de Estudios Mijail Bajtín, Perú, and the University of Oslo, Norway); member of the Board of External Advisors for the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, of the Review Commissions for ANECA, of the Fundación Carolina (AECID) and the Fundación Séneca (Universidad de Murcia), among other positions.


            He is the author of more than three hundred publications, including the books La comunicación literaria (Madrid, Arco/Libros, 20143), Las figuras retóricas (Madrid, Arco/Libros, 20196), Drama y tiempo: Dramatología I (Madrid, CSIC, 1991; Arabic translation: Cairo, Ministry of Culture, 2008; Cairo, Sanabel Books, 2013), Cómo se comenta una obra de teatro: Ensayo de método (Madrid, Síntesis, 20104; Arabic translation: Cairo, Ministry of Culture, 2009; México, Toma-Paso de Gato, 2012; La Habana, Alarcos [“Library of classics”], 2015; French translation: Comment analyser une pièce de théâtre: Éléments de dramatologie, París, Classiques Garnier, 2017), Teatro y ficción: Ensayos de teoría (Madrid, Fundamentos, 2004; Arabic translation: Cairo, Ministry of Culture 2006), El teatro del futuro (México, Paso de Gato, 20092), Actuación y escritura: Teatro y cine (México, Paso de Gato, 2010), Claves del arte escénico: De Stanislavski a Grotowski (México, Paso de Gato, 2013), El texto dramático (México, Paso de Gato, 2014), La razón pertinaz (Bilbao, Artezblai, 2014, Artez Blai International Prize for Performing Arts Research), Cómo se analiza una obra de teatro (Madrid, Sintesis, 2017), Principios de dramatología: Drama y tiempo (México-Bilbao, Paso de Gato-Artezblai, 2017), Drama y narración: Teatro clásico y actual en español (Madrid, Ediciones Complutense, 2017) and Anatomía del drama: Una teoría fuerte del teatro (Madrid, Punto de Vista Editores, 2020), among others; editor of Análisis de la dramaturgia: Nueve obras y un método (Madrid, Fundamentos, 2007), of Análisis de la dramaturgia cubana actual (La Habana, Alarcos, 2011, Chamaco Award 2014; Madrid, Antígona, 2016) and the nine other books of the ADAE project, all published by Ediciones Antígona: Análisis de la dramaturgia argentina actual (2015), española (2016), colombiana (2017), venezolana (2017), costarricense (2018; Alajuela, UTN, 2019), uruguaya (2018), mexicana (2019), puertorriqueña (2019) y chilena (2020); co-author of various books (Alhambra Longman)and volumes such as Versus Aristóteles: Ensayos sobre dramaturgia contemporánea (México, Anónimo Drama, 2004), Teoría del teatro (Madrid, Arco/Libros, 1997), La moderna crítica literaria hispánica (Madrid, Mapfre, 1996) and Le temps du récit (Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 1989); editor of El tragaluz by Antonio Buero Vallejo (Madrid, Castalia, 1986), Comentarios de textos literarios hispánicos (Madrid, Síntesis, 1997), Escritura y teoría en la actualidad (Madrid, CSIC, 2017) y Vir bonus dicendi peritus (Madrid, CSIC, 2019).

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