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Jorge Dubatti

Jorge Dubatti (Buenos Aires, 1963) is a critic, historian and university professor specialising in theatre and the arts. Doctor (Area of History and Theory of Arts) from the University of Buenos Aires. Winner of the1989 Argentine Academy of Letters Award for Best Graduate from the University of Buenos Aires. He is a regular full professor teaching the History of Universal Theatre (Arts Degree, UBA). He is the publicly appointed head of the “Dr Raúl H. Castagnino” Instituto de Artes del Espectáculo at UBA’s Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. He is also the head of the faculty’s CyT (2019-2021) research project “Towards a bibliographic cartography of theatre / artistic education relations in Argentina”. Coordinator of the Art Sciences Research Area (AICA) at the Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini. In 2001, he founded and currently directs the Buenos Aires Escuela de Espectadores, which has 340 students. He is General Director of the Theatre Spectators Classroom at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He has contributed to the opening of 44 spectator schools in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, France, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela. He participates in the ESNA Project - École du Spectateur de Nouvelle Aquitaine (France) which aims to create the first digital spectator school. He has held lectures and seminars on history and theatre theory at undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and doctorate level as a visiting professor in various national and foreign universities (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, United States, France, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay). He is a member of the Itinerant Chair of Latin American Theatre (CIELA). Between 2015-2018, he was a member of the Academic Council of the Ingmar Bergman Chair of Cinema and Theatre at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).  He has published more than one hundred volumes (collections of essays, anthologies, editions, compilations of studies, etc.) on Argentine and universal theatre and the arts. He has collaborated on theatrical performances with Eduardo Pavlovsky, Mauricio Kartun, Ricardo Bartís, Rafael Spregelburd, Daniel Veronese, Alejandro Urdapilleta, Alberto Vacarezza, among others. His books include Filosofía del Teatro I, II and III, Concepciones de teatro. Poéticas teatrales y bases epistemológicas, Del Centenario al Bicentenario: Dramaturgia. Metáforas de la Argentina en veinte piezas teatrales 1910-2010 (commissioned by the National Art Fund), Cien años de teatro argentino, Teatro-matriz, teatro liminal. Estudios de Filosofía del Teatro y Poética Comparada, Poéticas de liminalidad en el teatro I and II, Teatro y territorialidad. He has received numerous distinctions, including the 2014 Shakespeare Award (Buenos Aires and Embassy of England Shakespeare Festival) and the 2014 María Guerrero Award awarded by the Friends of the Cervantes National Theatre Association (Asociación Amigos del Teatro Nacional Cervantes). His 2012 book Introducción a los estudios teatrales. Propedéutica received a National Prize Special Mention in the Artistic Essay category (awarded by the Argentine Ministry of Culture). In 2015 and 2018, the Rectorate of the University of Buenos Aires awarded him the Award for Academic Excellence. In 2015, “the work of cultural critic and art scientist Dr Jorge Dubatti” was designated a Work of Cultural Interest by the Chamber of Deputies. In 2007 and 2017 he received the Konex Journalism-Communication Award (Merit Diploma) in the categories of Literary criticism and Theatre-Dance-Cinema performance criticism. He is the 2019-2021 president of the Argentine Association of Theatre and Performing Arts Spectators (Asociación Argentina de Espectadores de Teatro y Artes Escénicas - AETAE) and the 2018-2020 Secretary of International Relations for the Argentine Association of Theatre Research and Criticism (Asociación Argentina de Investigación y Crítica Teatral AINCRIT). In 2020, the Santa Fe delegation of the Argentine Association of Actors (Asociación Argentina de Actores) named him "honourable patron" of the "Verónica Bucci" Theatre Library. He hosts the “El Tiempo y el Teatro" programme on National Radio AM870.  

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