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Javier Juárez Rodríguez

Javier Juárez Rodríguez is professor of the Advertising Graphic Communication Programme at the School of Communication of the University of Medellín, Colombia.

He is an expert in feminicide and communication and in communication and masculinities. He taught Ethics, Corporate Journalism, Negotiation and mediation in the Communication and Corporate Relations Program of the University of Medellín, Communication, language and gender in the Programme on Communication and Contemporary Social Movements of the UCM, Corporate Communication and Public Relations within the Master's degree program in Communication of the University of Medellín-University of Cartagena and Gender and the Media of the Specialisation programme in mixed gender studies of the University of Medellín. He also taught in the Specialisation programme in Political Marketing of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Medellín.

He has a broad research career being Chief  Investigator (CI) of several projects, among which are: The role of women in the context of the armed conflict in Colombia and their condition as victims of the interveners: An analysis from the news coverage of SEMANA magazine (University of Medellín), Soridad. Communication to deconstruct sexist languages (University of Medellín), Present and future of social democracy in Europe and Latin America: Study of politics, communication, discourse and language (University of Medellín) and The influence of communication and language in the construction of sexist imaginary and models in students of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Medellín (University of Medellín).

He was an assessor of the scientific journal 'Historia y Comunicación Social' of the UCM and of the scientific journal 'Anagramas', as well as for the Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium UNICATÓLICA and for the Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science - ACAC (Central University).

He is the author of various publications, the most notable being: Tu príncipe rojo (2009). Publishers Amargord; Desaparecidas en Ciudad Juárez (2012). Publishers Amargord; Las mujeres como objeto sexual y arma de guerra en espacios de conflicto armado de México y Colombia y el papel de los medios de comunicación. History and Social Media Review. Complutense University of Madrid (2014) vol.19, 249-268; Feminicidio y Periodismo en Mujeres, communication and armed conflicts: from the First World War to the present day/coord. by Isabel Tajahuerce Ángel, Ana Muiña, 2016; Los movimientos sociales de mujeres y su consolidación como interlocutor y actor político en la construcción de la paz en Medellín, Colombia Izquierdas Review No. 34, (July 2017) Pp 1- 25; Ciberbullying y género: nuevos referentes en la ocupación de los espacios virtuales. Studies on the journalistic message No. 24, 2, 2018, pp. 1845-1859 or Sonoridad Publishers’ Seal Universidad de Medellín 2017.

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