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Heriberto Cairo Carou

Heriberto Cairo Carou, a Doctor in Political and Sociological Sciences, is Full Professor of Political Science and Administration at the School of Political Science and Sociology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), of which he was Dean from 2010 to 2018. He has been Director of the (Official) Master’s Degree in Contemporary Latin American Studies and the PhD Programme in Ibero-American Studies: Political and Social Reality at UCM. He has been guest professor at various Spanish and overseas universities, forms part of the editorial board of such international magazines as Geopolitics and is editor of the magazine published by UCM entitled Geopolítica(s): Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder. He is engaged in research within the field of Political Geography, with a particular emphasis on studying the geopolitics of war and peace, political identities and territorial ideologies and borders. As author and editor, his publications include the books: Critical Geopolitics and Regional (Re)Configurations: Interregionalism and Transnationalism Between Latin America and Europe (2019) (ed. with Breno Bringel); Las “guerras virtuosas” de George W. Bush (2018); Rayanos y forasteros: Fronterización e identidades en el límite hispano-portugués (2018); Descolonizar la modernidad, descolonizar Europa: un diálogo Europa - América Latina (2010) (ed. with Ramón Grosfoguel); Portugal e Espanha. Entre discursos de centro e práticas de fronteira (2009) (ed. with Paula Godinho and Xerardo Pereiro), Vertientes americanas del pensamiento y el proyecto des-colonial (2008) (ed. with Walter Mignolo); Geopolítica, guerras y resistencias (2006) (ed. with Jaime Pastor Verdú); Democracia digital. Límites y oportunidades (2002); and La construcción social del conflicto territorial argentino-británico: Una aproximación geopolítica crítica (1995). He has also published numerous articles on various scientific publications in Spain and other countries.

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