• Español

Evelyne Ricci

She is Full Professor of Spanish Literature at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. She has specialised in various aspects of 20th-Century theatre: revues and the género ínfimo genre, theatre during the Second Republic, theatre expressions in the Republican press, theatre during the Spanish Civil War and women’s theatre during the Franco Era. She has translated and edited El hombre deshabitado by Rafael Alberti. Her books include Vida teatral y espectáculos en Málaga a principios del siglo XX, and Le retour du tragique dans le théâtre espagnol contemporain (Valle-Inclán, Alberti, Lorca), and Études sur le tragique dans le théâtre espagnol du XXe siècle (Valle-Inclán, Alberti, and El teatro español en la encrucijada (1890-1910).

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