• Español

Esther Borrego

Esther Borrego is Professor in Spanish Literature at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), where she teaches since 2001. In 1998 she got her PhD with a dissertation of the study and critical edition of the works of Vicente Suárez de Deza. She has been a teacher at public (UCM, CES Felipe II, University of Burgos) and private (San Pablo CEU) Spanish universities and has been invited to teach several courses and seminars in national and international centers. She has been the adviser of 11 PhD and 27 undergraduate dissertations. She has been invited to 37 international conferences as speaker, to 15 as a keynote speaker and has given more than 50 conferences.

She has been part of financed research projects since 2001, of which it is worth to stand out the three stages of the Catálogo Descriptivo de Pliegos de Villancicos, the Consolider Tc-12,  the last one about the literature around the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales de Madrid and the current one as principal researcher of CARMEL-LIT, Mulier fortis. Mulier docta. Hibridismo literario y resistencia en las comunidades carmelitas posteresianas (siglos XVI y XVII). At present, she is head researcher of UCM research group  Hibridismo literario y cultura áurea (HÍLICA) (Ref. 970841). She won the second prize of the III Premio de Transferencia de Tecnología y de Conocimiento of the UCM in Social Sciences and Humanities (2017). She has published more than twenty books and monographies, critical editions of two autos sacramentales by Calderón, two comedias áureas (La fuerza de la ley, by A. Moreto, and El hijo del serafín, by J. Pérez de Montalbán) and three comedias burlescas (Los amantes de Teruel, Amor, ingenio y mujer and Peligrar en los remedios).

It is worth to highlight the two collective volumes on the literary works by Santa Teresa, of which she has been scientific director: Cinco siglos de Teresa. La proyección de la vida y los escritos de Santa Teresa de Jesús […], 2016 (with J. M. Losada) and Santa Teresa o la llama permanente Estudios históricos, artísticos y literarios en el V centenario del nacimiento de la Santa, Madrid, CEEH, 2017 (with J. Olmedo); as well as the volumen on carol (with J. Marín); El villancico en la encrucijada. Nuevas perspectivas en torno a un género literario-musical (siglos XV-XIX), Kassel, Reichenberger, 2019.She has more than 80 research articles in indexed, high impact journals (Melangès de la Casa de Velázquez, Bulletin of the Comediantes, Criticón, Revista de Escritoras Ibéricas, La Perinola, Hipogrifo, Edad de Oro) and editorials of known prestige (Iberoamericana, Castalia, Reichenberger, Visor). Member of the editorial board of several journals, among them Anuario de Lope de Vega, Anuario Calderoniano, La Perinola and Amaltea.

She has also been the director of several scientific conferences and has had relevant positions at the university, like Academic Secretary of the School of Languages of the Complutense University of Madrid (2010-2014); since 2018 she is the Director of the Department of Hispanic Literatures and Bibliography.

She has also been jury member of National  Award  or the Best Translation (2017, Ministry of Culture) and National Literary Award/Poetry category (2022, Ministry of Culture).

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