• Español

Aude Plagnard

Aude Plagnard is Professor of Comparative Literature at the Paul-Valéry University of Montpellier. She obtained a PhD in Modern Spanish Literature from the Sorbonne University, where she trained also at the École Normale Supérieure on rue d' Ulm.

The initial focus of her studies was on the military epic of the late 16th century, from an Iberian perspective (Une épopée ibérique. Alonso de Ercilla et Jerónimo Corte-Real (1569-1589), Casa de Velázquez, 2019). She also published several articles and book chapters on Luís de Camões, Francisco Garrido de Villena or García de Salcedo Coronel.

In the continuity of these works, she has developed a line of research on the literary relations between Spain and Portugal before and during the union of the Spanish and Portuguese crowns. With Jaime Galbarro, she coordinated the monograph titled Literatura áurea ibérica. La construcción de un campo literario peninsular en los siglos XVI y XVII (e-Spania, 27, 2017). Several of her publications have focused on the figure and work of polygraph specialist Manuel de Faria e Sousa, central to these issues. With Joseph Roussiès, she directs the project  Poligrafaría and the publication of the volume Un polígrafo en la monarquía hispánica. Manuel de Faria e Sousa (1590-1649)  (1590-1649) (Calambur, 2023).

 Finally, she has participated in the digital edition project of the Gongorina controversy directed by Mercedes Blanco (OBVIL, Paris-Sorbonne). Within this framework, she is responsible for the TEI edition of the texts, has edited Manuel de Faria e Sousa's Noches claras and has coordinated, together with Mercedes Blanco, the volume El universo de una polémica. Góngora y la cultura española del siglo XVII (Iberoamericana, 2021). Within the framework of this latest publication, she has established, together with Muriel Elvira and Mercedes Blanco, a «Catalog (1612-1692)» of the Gongorian polemic.

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