• Español

Alberto Romero Ferrer

Alberto Romero Ferrer, a doctor in Hispanic Philology, is a Full Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Cádiz. Director of the Department of Philology and the University of Cádiz Eighteenth-Century Study Group. National Prize for Young Researchers (1987), Extraordinary Degree Prize (1991), Hispalense Research Archive Prize (1995), University of Cádiz Research Prize for the Best Research Group (2010), finalist for the Manuel Alvar Research Prize for Humanistic Studies (2011) and mention from the Ibero-American Cortes de Cádiz Prize for University Research (2012). He has 4 six-year research periods (sexenios) accredited by the CNEAI (Spanish National Commission for the Evaluation of Research). 

His research mainly focuses on the short plays of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, their historiography and critical-textual analysis, dramatic parody in Spanish literature, and the relations between literature and politics in Spain (18th, 19th and 20th centuries), with a particular focus on the theatre. He is currently directing the R&D project La cultura literaria de los exilios españoles en la primera mitad del siglo XIX (The literary culture of the Spanish exiles in the first half of the 19th century) (CLEX19). His recently published work includes: Antología del género chico (2005), Las lágrimas de Melpómene. Quintana, Martínez de la Rosa and Marchena (2007), La guerra de pluma. Estudios sobre la prensa de Cádiz en el tiempo de las Cortes (1810-1814) (2008), La patria poética. Estudios sobre literatura y política en la obra de Manuel José Quintana (2009) and Escribir 1812. Memoria histórica y Literatura. De Jovellanos a Pérez-Reverte (2012).  He has recently published critical editions of the Sainetes escogidos by González del Castillo (2009), the Leyendas españolas by José Joaquín de Mora (2010) and the Diccionario Crítico-Burlesco by Bartolomé José Gallardo (2014).         

As the recipient of a variety of scholarships and grants, he has completed several scientific stays at the School of Humanities, Department of Spanish & Spanish American Studies at King's College London-University of London and the Fondation Napoleón in Paris to carry out different research projects. He has also participated in numerous courses, scientific meetings and improvement seminars at different centres. As a visiting professor, he has given numerous lectures and taught specialised postgraduate and doctorate courses at many different Spanish universities (Alcalá, Alicante, Autónoma de Madrid, Cantabria, Complutense, Ciudad Real, Córdoba, Extremadura, Jaén, Huelva, La Laguna, Málaga, Salamanca, Seville , UIMP, UNED, UNIA, Valladolid, Zaragoza), and at foreign universities in Italy (University of Naples “L’orientale”, Università degli studi di Verona), Germany (Universität Regensburg, Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken), the United Kingdom (King's College London-University of London), and Argentina (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), as well as at other cultural and academic institutions: Ateneo de Madrid, CSIC (Spanish National Research Council), Royal Basque Society of the Friends of the Country, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, the Spanish Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo, Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Fundación Caballero Bonald, Fondation Napoleón de París, Nineteenth-Century Hispanists Network, Centro Internacional de Estudios sobre el Romanticismo Español "Ermanno Caldera", Casa de Velázquez École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques (EHEHI).

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