
Clara Cantos Delgado

Clara Cantos Delgado graduated in English Studies (First Class Honors) at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in 2018.

Throughout her undergraduate years, she was awarded a number of scholarships: the Excellence Grant for achieving excellent academic results (2017-2018, 2018-2019); and a Collaboration Scholarship (2018-2019), granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and intended at familiarizing last-year undergraduates and first-year MA students with investigatory tasks in a university department. Moreover, she has been an Honorific collaborator at the Department of English Studies (2018-2019, Sept-Oct 2020) and, since the academic year 2018-2019, she has been the Spanish coordinator of Teletandem, an online language exchange program between UCM and Denison University (US).

She holds a MA in English Linguistics (2020, First Class Honors) from UCM and she is in the process of completing a MA in Teacher’s Training from UNED.

Currently, she holds a predoctoral research scholarship (FPU) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and her thesis dissertation on Tinder conversational openers is tutored by Dr. Carmen Maíz Arévalo. Her areas of interest include pragmatics, sociolinguistics, digital communication and intercultural studies.

Her teaching experience (2019-2021) includes lectures in the subjects ‘English Language I’ (BA in General and Compared Linguistics), ‘Modern Language: English’ (BA in Economics), ‘English Language for Commerce Management’ (BA in Commerce), ‘English I’ (BA in Tourism) and ‘English VI’ (BA in Modern Languages).

As part of her formative process, she has attended a number of international conferences: V Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores «Mundo hispánico: cultura, arte y sociedad» (2019), UPCEL (2020),  11th Humor Research Conference (2021) and she has published two articles:

  • Cantos Delgado, Clara; García García, Pilar, & San Román Cazorla, Julio. 2019. The Mariner or the Wedding-Guest? Discerning the Wise Man and the Fool in Coleridge’s ‘The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner’. JACLR: Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research, 7 (1): 87- 92.
  • Cantos Delgado, Clara. 2018. Language in Wonderland: Referentiality and Power in Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. JACLR: Journal of Artistic Creation and Literary Research, 6 (2): 24- 32.