
Ángel Ó. Corona Beomont

As a former PhD student at UCM, I find pleasure in respectfully crossing disciplinary boundaries and surveying potential common ground between applied linguistics and social psychology. 

More specifically, I am passionate about exploring and understanding the possible links between our metaphorical language and our individual differences; particularly, those that are more likely to play an influential part in our social cognition, moral perception and evaluation of our fellow humans. 

Most of my professional activity since 1998 has taken place in the fields of language teaching and international education. Among other educational institutions, I have taught Advanced Writing to international students at Schiller International University (Madrid Campus) and English for Health Sciences at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid.  In addition to many hours of classroom experience and positive periods of administrative and supervisory work, I have earned a Master’s Degree in TEFL and an M.A. in Applied English Linguistics from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain. 

Dissertation Title: How we speak our minds: An epistemic path from personality processes to metaphors in discourse (Cómo decimos lo que pensamos. Una ruta epistémica desde los procesos de la personalidad hasta la metáfora en el discurso)

Contributions to International Conferences: 

1.    Do People's Different Implicit Theories of Morality Imply Differences in Metaphor Use in Morally Evaluative Discourse? Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse, held at Univesitat Jaume I(UJI), Castelló de la Plana (Spain), 8-9 November 2018

2.   Unintentionally Deeper and Backwards. The Study of Individual Differences via Corpus-Assisted Metaphor-Led Discourse Analysis: The Case of Implicit Theories of Morality. Paper presented at the RaAM 2019 Specialized Seminar, organized at Liège Université, Liège (Belgium), 1617 May 2019


Corona Beomont, Á. Ó. (2019). Book Review: Discourse and Mental Health: Voice, Inequality and Resistance in Medical Settings by Bonnin, J. E. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 38(5–6), 832–835.

For any questions or comments, please contact me at: