
Anda-Lucía Ciltan

Anda-Lucía Ciltan is currently a full-time PhD student in English Linguistics under an international joint supervision between Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Bucharest. Her PhD research looks into the semantics and pragmatics of deontic modality; more precisely, it is a contrastive study which focuses on commissive strategies in English, Spanish and Romanian. Consequently, her research field comprises pragmatics and intercultural linguistics, but also language attitudes, SLA (second language acquisition) and FLT (foreign language teaching).

She holds a B.A. in English and Spanish as Applied Modern Languages and two M.A.s, one in English Linguistics, and the other in Hispanic Studies. She is currently working as an Assistant Lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid. She is also a researcher within the project Stance strategies in immigration and racism-related discourse: analysis and applications in affective learning practices (RACISMMAFF), PID2021-125327NB-I00, funded by The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which aims its results to add to existing knowledge on the ways in which language users position themselves in immigration and racism-related discourse, and to affect EU university students’ and pre-service teachers’  immigration and racism-related discourse positively, thus permeating EU society.

So far, she has presented multiple papers at international conferences, among which one entitled The influence of a Spanish educational background in the usage of Spanish phase periphrases by Romanian native speakers living in Spain at the international conference of “Young Researchers in Philology”, celebrated on 23 October 2020, which was also published as a chapter in the book “Representations of Otherness in Romanian Philological Studies” at Peter Lang Publishing. Another contribution of hers is the study Las oraciones posesivas – propuesta didáctica, which she presented within the international colloquium “Convengercias y divergencias en el espacio iberoamericano”, on 15-17 July 2021. She has published three books and various articles in national and international journals and editorials, among which Dykinson and Bucharest University Press.

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