
Abeer Hakami

My name is Abeer Ali Hakami. I am a full-time PhD candidate from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I have received my Bachelor degree in English language from Umm Al-Qura University in Saudi Arabia in 2012, and the Master’s in general linguistics from University at Buffalo in New York, US in 2017. In Saudi Arabia, I work as a full-time lecturer in the English language department at Jazan University, and from which I have been granted a full scholarship to pursue my PhD degree from Spain.

I am very much interested in Cognitive and Psycholinguistics, and in particular in linguistically analyzing the discourse of people with mental and psychological problems. My current work lies on conceptual integration, through which examining the narratives of individuals affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and how their narratives can trigger aspects of the self-concept network of people receiving these narratives; hence engaging and sympathizing with them and their stories. I am applying the model Storyworld Possible Selves of the genius scholar Maria Angeles Martinez, whom I am lucky enough to be my supervisor.