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Master's Degrees

New Plan 2023-2024


Active since September 2009, the MA in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture (UAM-UCM) has been updated according to the transformations occured in the fields of Art History, contemporary artistic practices and the emergence of new research scenarios and work areas.

The new plan will be implemented in the academic year 2023-2024. This opens a new phase for an MA degree that has trained more than 500 students since 2009, many of whom are currently top professionals standing out both nationwide and internationally, in the fields of academic and artistic research, cultural management, exhibitions, art criticism or publishing.

The new plan presents a similar structure, consisting of 60 ECTS. The main change is the inclusion of a third internship track (curatorial practices), thus strengthening the profesionalizing character of the MA degree, together with its consolidated theoretical training. The table below shows all the updated courses and the three available internship tracks.





Introduction to Research


Research Methodology in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture



History of Art, Architecture and Design of the 20th and 21st centuries

Art History of the 20th and 21st centuries

Histories and Theories of Avant-garde Movements
Between the Histories of Feminist Art and Gender Theory
Critical Debates on Coloniality and Globalization

Contemporary Art Practices and Proceses

Live Arts and Performance
Contemporary Art Practices and Debates in Spain
Art and Technologies

Architecture, Space and Design

Constructing and Deconstructing. Contemporary Architectures
Art, Design and other Materialities
Spaces of Dwelling: Territories and Sustainability

Theories of Contemporary Art and Visual Culture

Contemporary Theoretical Frameworks

Theoretical-Critical Debates in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture
Contemporary Esthetics
Art Criticism

Contemporary Visual Culture

Contemporary Photography
Comic and Transmedia Practices
Contemporary Cinema



Internships in Museum Management
Internships in Curatorial Practices
Internships in Research Project

Final MA Dissertation


Final MA Dissertation



Legal framework: Resolución de 2 de septiembre de 2022, de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, por la que se publica la modificación del plan de estudios de Máster Universitario en Historia del Arte Contemporáneo y Cultura Visual (Máster conjunto de las universidades Autónoma de Madrid y Complutense de Madrid, BOE Nº 226, 20 de septiembre de 2022).