• Español


May I submit my thesis in English?

The PhD Programme in English Linguistics at the UCM promotes the use of English in final versions of Dissertations. English-written dissertations require the inclusion of a comprehensive abstract in Spanish. Dissertations may be written in Spanish, when either candidates or supervisors (or both) consider it more convenient. If this is the case, dissertations require a comprehensive abstract in English, including at least the introduction, objectives, results and conclusions of the research.

  • "Given the importance of English as the usual language of research and communication in this field of knowledge, the Academic Committee of the PhD Program in English Linguistics at the UCM will encourage the use of English in PhD manuscripts. In this case, dissertations must include a comprehensive abstract of the project in Spanish."
  • "If the supervisor, together with the PhD candidate, considers it more convenient, the PhD thesis may also be written in Spanish. In this case, it must be accompanied by an extensive summary in English, including at least the introduction, objectives, results and conclusions of the research". (ANECA doc)