Student Services
General Sevices for the students at the UCM:
CLICK HERE for information about the Placement and Careers Centre (COIE), The Office for the Integration of Persons with dissabilities, the Accommodation Office, Student Insurance, Computer services, Sports, and other useful information provided by the UCM
Students Services of the Faculty of Pharmacy:
Office for Students with Dissabilities
Responsible Coordinator: Prof. Jesús Roman Zaragoza
(Vice-Dean For Students and Universitary Extension)
Tel: (34) 91 394 20 20
Students at the Faculty Board
Social Networks: links to the Facebook and Twitter farmactua pages
Mentoring Programme
Why enroll the mentoring program?
When you start as a first-course student, many doubts arise: How are teachers? How do you answer a multiple-choice test? How can I use the library? How do the laboratories work? …. and so on.
These are questions and doubts that you can solve by yourself, but why not use the experience of students who have already gone through it? It could mean not being alone in front of the academic problems, having someone who helps you clearly and knows how to give you the support you need. Mentors are here to help you. Mentors are students of the last courses that offer you their support with your academic beginning. We have all been new students in any occasion and we all have, and will continue to have, doubts about a thousand things! Cheer up and take advantage of this opportunity!
What is the mentoring program?
The mentoring program consists of a series of meetings with your mentor where you can ask questions and solve your doubts about the topics that interest you most: enrollment paperwork, academic itineraries, laboratories, library, scholarships, university activities and services ....
Link to UCM Mentoring Programme