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A service of management information is provided by following the most advanced techniques in documentation. The process goes through the digitization of the client’s documents in a controlled environment in order to create its own Digital Documentation Center.

How does it work

Nowadays, companies, organizations, institutions and even individuals have the capacity to create huge amounts of documents of all kinds. In many cases, this capacity of creation is associated with a problem: information overload. In order to avoid this problem, the documents, whatever kind they may be and in any imaginable media, should be retrievable efficiently and made available quickly. For that, it is required that the documentary information has been previously organized and to have a proper recovery and management system.

The systems analysis, organizations, management and retrieval of information offered by the Documentation as a science, must evolve and adapt to new information and communication technologies so they can provide increasingly powerful and effective techniques and tools. A group of researchers from the Department of Library and Information Science of the Faculty of Information Sciences from the UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), under the direction of Professor Juan Carlos Marcos Recio, offers companies a service for the creation of their own Digital Documentation Center with the appropriate documentary techniques that allow to customize the management of the documentary information of each customer.

Fig 1. Digital Documentation of Poster Advertising Center.

Fig 1. Digital Documentation of Poster Advertising Center.

The service is aimed at companies related to Information and Documentation (advertising agencies, production companies, magazines, collections of photographs, texts, etc.), since they often have large documentary archive. Therefore, the base work is primarily with documents in paper format (newspaper and magazines), photography, video and audio. The working methodology basically comprises the selection and analysis of documents, digitization and organization in databases accessible for the company’s staff. This methodology can be extended in several phases as:

  • Building relationships with media who may be interested in digitizing their collections.
  • Examine the collection, establishing types of documents.
  • Determine the most suitable type of scanning for each document type.
  • Digitization of documents.
  • Undertake a comprehensive documentary analysis of each digitized document.
  • To incorporate the digital document with its corresponding digital documentary record into the database and PubliDocNet and / or your company webpage.
  • Publicize and disseminate the results among the members of the academic community and media professionals.


The online introduction of digital technologies for detailed analysis and retrieval of information through Digital Documentation Centers enables the organization, management and easy access for the user to the accurate information in the shortest time possible. In many cases the process of creating or maintaining a Digital Documentation Center can enhance the available information, which is an important benefit for the company.

In addition, it offers the possibility to publish the company databases generated in the Center for Digital Documentation on the Internet through the company’s virtual space itself or through PubliDocNet. Thus, the company or media’s visibility is guaranteed.

Where has it been developed

The research group has been working for more than two decades in communication, advertising and documentation. It has participated in several digitation works and on the creation of  multiple Digital Documentation Centers projects for institutions and companies. The service and necessary technical assistance can be contracted through the Universidad Complutense Research Results Transfer Office.

The team consists of researchers with extensive experience in the documentary analysis, image processing and retrieval of information. There are also experts in advertising, journalism and writing as well as in digital technologies.

And also

PubliDocNet, the Documentary Center for the Spanish Advertising Heritage

PubliDocNet, the Documentary Center for the Spanish Advertising Heritage

Customers interested in creating its Digital Documentation Center are offered the possibility of using PubliDocNet, the Advertising Documentation Portal on the Internet created by the group of researchers led by Professor Marcos Recio with the active and ongoing collaboration of students from Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

PubliDocNet emerged as a learning and exhibition place for the work of advertising students and professionals. The enthusiasm and dedication of teachers and, above all, the more than the three thousand students that have participated in PubliDocNet to date, have led to the growth in content, material, databases and works presented on the portal at an unstoppable pace; until becoming today in an indispensable reference for national advertising online.



© Office for the Transfer of Research Results – UCM
Faculty of Medicine. Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8.
C/ Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7. 28040 Madrid.

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Social Sciences and Law

Information Science

Responsible Researcher

Juan Carlos Marcos Recio: jmarcos@ucm.es
Department: Librarianship and Documentation
Faculty: Information Sciences