• Español

Degrees in Modern Language

Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

Required level: B2 in Spanish. For courses taught in other languages, please contact the Faculty’s International Affairs Office (intfil@ucm.es) and confirm the recommended language level.

Degree in Spanish and German Studies

Required level: B2 en español y A2 en alemán. For courses taught in other languages, please contact the Faculty’s International Affairs Office (intfil@ucm.es) and confirm the recommended language level.

Master in Literary Studies. Required level: C1 in Spanish.

Master in Applied French Language (Spanish-French Master in conjunction with Univ. Sorbonnne-París IV). Required level: French: B2; Spanish: B2.

Doctorate in French Studies. Required level: C1 in French.

Doctorate in Literary Studies. Required level: C1 in Spanish.