Proyectos de Investigación

María Vallet‐Regí. Full Professor. Department of Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Leader of the Smart Biomaterials Research Group

Group leader of the Biomedical Research Networking centre in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER‐BBN), and of the Research Institute of the Hospital 12 de Octubre (i+12). Recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant: Polyvalent mesoporous nanosystem for bone diseases.

ResearcherID: M‐3378‐2014  ORCID: 0000‐0002‐6104‐4889

Google Scholar

Highly Cited Researchers 2018. Stanford list: 2022. First Spanish woman.

6th world researcher in Biomedical Engineering 2023. Data Repository Elsevier.






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      20               42

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ERC AdvG + PoC

+33 M €



Top 1% most cited articles Web Science



Prof. Vallet-Regí has been awarded many important International prizes and she is member of the Spanish academies of Pharmacy, Engineering, European of Doctors, and the International College of Fellows of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE) and the American Institute for Biomedical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

Prof. Vallet-Regí is widely regarded for her contributions to Biotechnology and Medicine. A recent report released by Standford University has included her among the 2% of the top researchers in the World. The database, that analyses the career long impact by researchers according to Scopus database, has been published in PLoS Biology in 2020 and ranks her in the top position among Spanish colleagers and within th elite among World Researchers. In the updates of 2021,2022 and 2023 she continues been the first female spanish scientist. Moreover, she is a Highly Cited Researcher 2018 (Clarivate Analytics). This list recognizes world-class researchers selected for their exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations per field and year in Web of Science. She is recognized as a pioneer in the field of ceramic materials applied to medicine. On one hand, she has been working in the biomaterials area developing bioceramics for bone grafting applications and scaffolds for regenerative biomedicine. On the other hand, prof. Vallet-Regí has intensely investigated on nanocarriers of different nature to deliver therapeutic agents to diseased tissues without affecting healthy organs. She was the pioneer who suggested introducing drugs into the pores of mesoporous silica materials, which inspired thousands of publications worldwide involving mesoporous silica nanoparticles for drug delivery.

She is a Fellow of Biomaterials Science and Engineering at the International College of Fellows of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (ICF-BSE), Numbered Fellow of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy, the Royal European Academy of Doctors and Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

She has received the Jaime I Basic Research Award 2018, the Spanish National Research Award in Engineering 2008,  the George Winter Award 2019, the Prix Franco-Espagnol 2000 from Societé Française de Chimie, the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) award in Inorganic Chemistry 2008, FEIQUE Research award 2011 and the RSEQ Research Award and Gold Medal 2011. IUPAC 2013 Distinguished Woman in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and the Prix Miguel Catalán 2013 of Madrid Community, Lilly Foundation Award for Distinguished Scientific Career, 2016 and the Julio Pelaez award 2017 to Female Pioneers in Physics, Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) 2017.Chemistry and Mathematics, Influentials Career Awards 2018 awarded by El Confidencial and Herbert Smith Freehills, 2019 FEMS Materials Innovation Prize FEDERATION of EUROPEAN MATERIALS SOCIETIES, Tribute Award at the 1st Edition of the Zendal 2019 International Awards. Awarded the video "How to beat prosthesis infection" in the Scientific Dissemination Contest 2020. UCM. Award from the Forum of Innovative Companies in the category Innovative Researcher 2020 (Foro de Empresas Innovadoras , FEI). Research Award of the Community of Madrid 2021 "Margarita Salas" to the scientific career. Carracido Gold Medal of the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia 2022. First prize in the XI Scientific Dissemination Contest with the video "Tissue Engineering". UCM. 2022. Best Female Scientist Award 2022. Materials Science in Spain Leader Award 2022. Career Achievement Award VI Sanitarias Awards 2023. Materials Science in Spain Leader Award 2023. "Doctora de Alcalá" Award from the University of Alcalá de Henares 2023.

She has received the Honorary degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) by Universities of Pais Vasco (Spain) 2013, Jaume I (Spain) 2015 and Murcia (Spain) 2021, and is Honorary member of the Materials Research Society in India.

She has received the Medal of Merit in Research 2019 and University Education awarded by The Government of Spain.

She was included in the 1k Club of Chemistry of Materials and have received an ERC Advanced Grant (call 2015).

She is the first female scientist in the ranking of Spanish women scientists ordered by their average Fh indices (Fhm) info/W.html

She works mainly in the following fields of research:

Bioceramic based bone grafting materials and scaffolds for regenerative biomedicine.

Production and study of bioceramic systems for controlled release of biotechnological and antitumoral species.

Nanoparticles and biocompatible matrices for biotechnological applications.

Silica based ordered mesoporous materials as release systems of biologically active species, cell encapsulation in silica porous materials, mesoporous materials for gene therapy and transfection, organic-inorganic hybrid materials.


