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- People
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Ignacio Serrano-Pedraza
My research is focused on the study of human visual system. I use a combination of human psychophysics and computational modelling techniques to uncover the functional characteristics of the visual mechanisms in motion perception, spatial vision, and stereovision.
Great news about ASTEROID! We are finalist in the Bright Ideas in Health Awards 2021 in
Development of an Innovative Device or Technology
Measurement of Binocular Visual Function in Children
PhD Students
Omar Bachtoula (2020-)
Omar has a Psychology degree and a Master's degree in statistical and mathematical methods applied to behavioral research. He started the PhD in October 2020 supported by the fellowship PRE2019-089560 from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) associated to my project PGC2018-093406-B-I00. He is interested in the implications of binocular interaction in motion perception.
Congratulations on your recent paper!
Bachtoula, O., Arranz-Paraíso, S., Luna, R., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2023). Visual motion discrimination experiments reveal small differences between males and females. Vision Research. 208:108222.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2023.108222
He has also collaborated in a project where we measured disparity thresholds using ASTEROID (3D stereotest tablet) in collaboration with Prof. Jenny Read.
Read, J.C.A., Wong, Z.Y., Yek, X., Wong, Y.X., Batchtoula, O., Llamas-Cornejo, I., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2020). ASTEROID Stereotest v1.0: lower stereo thresholds using smaller, denser, and faster dots. Opthalmic and Physiological Optics. doi: 10.1111/opo.12737. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32989799.
Ichasus LLamas Cornejo (2020-)
Ichasus has a Psychology degree and a Master's degree in statistical and mathematical methods applied to behavioral research. He started the PhD in October 2020. Ichasus is interested in stereovision, in particular, in the spatio temporal chracteristics of the stereoscopic anisotropy. He is supported by the fellowship PRE2022-102669 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain), which is linked to to my project PDI2021-122245NB-I00.
Congratulations on your recent paper!
Llamas-Cornejo, I., Peterzell, D., & Serrano-Pedraza, I.(2024). Temporal mechanisms in frontoparallel stereomotion revealed by individual differences analysis. European Journal of Neuroscience, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.16342
He has also collaborated in a project where we measured disparity thresholds using ASTEROID (3D stereotest tablet) in collaboration with Prof. Jenny Read.
Read, J.C.A., Wong, Z.Y., Yek, X., Wong, Y.X., Batchtoula, O., Llamas-Cornejo, I., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2020). ASTEROID Stereotest v1.0: lower stereo thresholds using smaller, denser, and faster dots. Opthalmic and Physiological Optics. doi: 10.1111/opo.12737. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32989799.
Former PhD Students
Sandra Arranz-Paraíso (2017-2023)
Sandra completed a Bachelor in Psychology (Cognitive Science Track) granted with Grade Extraordinary Prize and a Master’s degree about statistical and mathematical methods applied to behavioural research (Master thesis: Optimization of the non-parametric Robbins-Monro procedure for threshold estimation and its comparison with Bayesian adaptive procedures). She finished her PhD in the field of visual psychophysics; making advances in order to characterize the inhibitory mechanisms underlying motion perception. Sandra is mainly interested in 2D motion perception, but she is also interested in haptic perception in virtual environments. She also collaborated with the Prof. Manuel Ferre Pérez at the Automation and Robotics center of CSIC and Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSI II).
Sandra was supported by the fellowship FPU16/02683 from Ministerio de Educación (Spain).
Sandra defended her Thesis on 11-05-2023 with a marking of "Sobresaliente Cum Laude". Congratulations!
Papers related to her Thesis:
Arranz-Paraíso, S. & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2018) Testing the link between visual suppression and intelligence. PLoS ONE. Jul 6;13(7):e0200151. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200151.
This paper has won the SEPEX prize for the best paper 2018 for young investigators! Congratulations Sandra!
Arranz-Paraíso, S., Read, J.C.A. & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2021) Reduced surround suppression in monocular motion perception. Journal of Vision;21(1):10. doi: https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.1.10.
Other collaborations:
Tarawneh, G., Nityananda, V., Rosner, R., Errington, S., Errington, S., Herbert, W., Arranz-Paraíso, S., Busby, N., Tampin, J., Read, J.C.A., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2018) Contrast thresholds reveal different visual masking functions in humans and praying mantises. Biology Open. 7, bio029439. doi:10.1242/bio.029439
Garcia-Valle, G., Arranz-Paraiso, S., Serrano-Pedraza, I., & Ferre, M. (2021) Estimation of Torso Vibrotactile Thresholds using Eccentric Rotating Mass Motors. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, doi: 10.1109/TOH.2020.3048290.
Bachtoula, O., Arranz-Paraíso, S., Luna, R., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2023). Visual motion discrimination experiments reveal small differences between males and females. Vision Research. 208:108222.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2023.108222
Raúl Luna del Valle (2016-2020)
Raúl completed a Bachelor in Psychology and a Master’s degree about statistical and mathematical methods applied to behavioral research. In 2020, Raúl finished his PhD in the field of visual psychophysics; making advances in order to functionally characterize the inhibitory mechanisms found in motion perception. Particularly, he studied the inhibition underlying the interaction between motion sensors tuned to coarse and fine scales. Raúl is mainly interested in 2D motion perception, but he has also ventured into the areas of 3D motion perception and spatial vision. Raúl was supported by the fellowship BES-2015-074077 from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain). He taught Psychology at Colegio Universitario Cardenal Cisneros. Update (2021): He has a Juan de la Cierva’s Fellowship at CSIC (Instituto de Óptica Daza de Valdés, Madrid).
Raúl defended his Thesis on 18-12-2020 with a marking of "Sobresaliente Cum Laude". Congratulations!
Papers related to his Thesis:
Luna, R. & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2018) Temporal frequency modulates the strength of the inhibitory interaction between motion sensors tuned to coarse and fine scales. Journal of Vision. 3;18(13):17. doi: 10.1167/18.13.17.
Luna R., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2020) Interaction between motion scales: When performance in motion discrimination is worse for a compound stimulus than for its integrating components. Vision Research. 20;167:60-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2019.12.002. PMID: 31972446.
Luna R., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2020) Evidence for different spatiotemporal mechanisms using duration thresholds: An individual differences approach. Vision Research. 23;175:58-74. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2020.07.002. PMID: 32712430.
Other collaborations:
Luna R., Serrano-Pedraza, I., Gegenfurtner, K.R., Schütz, A.C., & Souto, D. (2021) Achieving visual stability during smooth pursuit eye movements: Directional and confidence judgements favor a recalibration model. Vision Research. 184:58-73. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2021.03.003.
Bachtoula, O., Arranz-Paraíso, S., Luna, R., & Serrano-Pedraza, I. (2023). Visual motion discrimination experiments reveal small differences between males and females. Vision Research. 208:108222.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2023.108222