Proyectos de Investigación

Resultados científicos y tecnológicos

Impacto esperado del proyecto:


  • Diversificación y consolidación del tejido industrial madrileño: El uso efectivo de las materias primas secundarias contribuirá a la creación de nuevas líneas de negocio en las empresas productoras de residuos y en las receptoras de la materia prima. Asimismo, la divulgación de los resultados de tales relaciones de simbiosis industrial puede dar lugar a la creación de nuevas empresas transformadoras. 
  • Madrid como foco de innovación y sostenibilidad: La demostración de la transformación de materias primas secundarias y la aplicación industrial de los productos constituye un hito en el camino hacia la economía circular que posicionaría a la región a la cabeza de la innovación en este campo y contribuiría a impulsar la imagen de Madrid como comunidad comprometida con el desarrollo económico a través de la producción industrial de bajo impacto ambiental. 
  • Riqueza y empleo: En base al afianzamiento y diversificación del tejido productivo madrileño, cabría esperar una consolidación del empleo del sector productivo y la generación de nuevos puestos de trabajo. Con la incorporación de investigadores a los Grupos se atraerá y retendrá talento investigador.
  • Descongestión de los sistemas de gestión de residuos y efluentes: La transformación de corrientes materiales hasta ahora consideradas residuales redundaría en una disminución de las cargas a las que se ven sometidos los sistemas de gestión de residuos de la región, con el consiguiente ahorro de recursos por parte de la Comunidad. Además la integración de tratamientos avanzados permitirá eliminar microcontaminantes y contaminantes recalcitrantes.
  • Reducción del impacto ambiental: Los desarrollos previstos en el programa contribuirían significativamente a reducir el impacto ambiental ligado a la actividad productiva. A su vez, la producción de sustancias de alto valor añadido a partir de residuos en sustitución de materias primas convencionales supondrá una disminución en el impacto ambiental del proceso de fabricación por tener estas últimas mayores costes energéticos y ambientales asociados para su obtención y transporte. Por último se minimizará el impacto de los vertidos finales.
  • Participación y liderazgo de redes y consorcios europeos como consecuencia de los conocimientos adquiridos.



  • Abril de 2019. Extensión internacional de la patente del grupo del CIB-CSIC sobre la aplicación de enzimas inmovilizadas sobre óxidos mixtos, derivados del reciclado de baterías, para la síntesis de aromas y saborizantes





Libros y Capítulos de Libros


  1. Informes Técnicos Ciemat 1452: Catálogo de residuos industriales. Potencialidad para su valorización Energética. José M. Sánchez Hervás, Marta Maroño Buján, Gregorio Molina Moya, Miguel J. Fernández Llorente, Virginia Pérez López, Raquel Ramos Casado. Noviembre 2019. ISSN: 1135-9420.
  2. RETOPROSOST: Producción sostenible y simbiosis industrial en la Comunidad de Madrid. Serie de Conferencias sobre el valor oculto de los Residuos. José M. Sánchez-Hervás, Marta Maroño, I. Ortiz, Gregorio Molina. Referencia CG/VE-19-OI-01. Febrero 2019, pp. 1-36.




1. Balea, A., Monte, M. C., Merayo, N., Campano, C., Negro, C., & Blanco, A. (2020). "Industrial Application of nanocelluloses in papermaking: a review of challenges, technical solutions, and market perspectives". Molecules, 25(3), 526. 

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Resumen: Nanocelluloses (NC) increase mechanical and barrier paper properties allowing the use of paper in applications actually covered by other materials. Despite the exponential increase of information, NC have not been fully implemented in papermaking yet, due to the challenges of using NC. This paper provides a review of the main new findings and emerging possibilities in this field by focusing mainly on: (i) Decoupling the effects of NC on wet-end and paper properties by using synergies with retention aids, chemical modification, or filler preflocculation; (ii) challenges and solutions related to the incorporation of NC in the pulp suspension and its effects on barrier properties; and (iii) characterization needs of NC at an industrial scale. The paper also includes the market perspectives. It is concluded that to solve these challenges specific solutions are required for each paper product and process, being the wet-end optimization the key to decouple NC effects on drainage and paper properties. Furthermore, the effect of NC on recyclability must also be taken into account to reach a compromise solution. This review helps readers find upscale options for using NC in papermaking and identify further research needs within this field.


2. Miranda, R., Latour, I., & Blanco, A. (2020). Understanding the efficiency of aluminum coagulants used in dissolved air flotation (DAF). Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, 27.

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Resumen: This paper reports on the efficiency of five aluminum coagulants for the treatment of a paper mill wastewater by dissolved air flotation (DAF). The coagulants studied were: alum, a polyaluminum chloride coagulant of high aluminum content and intermediate basicity (PAC-MB), another with intermediate aluminum content and high basicity (PAC-HB), a polyaluminum nitrate sulfate of intermediate aluminum content and basicity (PANS) and one hybrid coagulant formed by the combination of PANS and a mixture of polyamines (PANS-PA). The influence of Al speciation on contaminants removal and the main flocculation mechanisms involved have been analyzed. High removal of suspended solids together with significant removal of dissolved and colloidal material (COD and silica) were obtained, which is required for extended reuse of this process water. PAC-HB was the best product for removing suspended solids (85%) and soluble silica (50%) with a rather limited COD removal (5%), while PANS-PA obtained high turbidity (90%) and silica removal (45%) together with a significant soluble COD removal (15%). Monomeric Al (Ala, Alm) was more efficient in removing suspended solids and soluble COD than polymeric or colloidal Al (Alc, Alu), but the latter was more efficient in removing soluble silica. Results demonstrated that the main flocculation mechanism varies with the aluminum dosage, being predominantly charge neutralization at low dosages and sweep flocculation at high dosages. The floc strength factor however, was very high and similar for all the coagulants and dosages tested (85–90%), as it was mainly determined by the behavior of the pre-flocculated suspended solids present in wastewater. The reflocculation factor varied from 45 to 75% at the lowest dosages to almost zero at the highest dosages, confirming the transition from charge neutralization to sweep flocculation. The flocs formed by PANS-PA had lower strength than the others and it decreased with the dosage while its reflocculation factor was almost zero, even at low dosages. Due to the polyamines present in this coagulant, its flocculation mechanism is through both charge neutralization and patch formation, especially at low dosages, and sweep flocculation and interparticle bridge formation at high dosage.


3. Campano, C., Lopez-Exposito, P., Blanco, A., Negro, C., & van de Ven, T. G. (2019). Hairy cationic nanocrystalline cellulose as retention additive in recycled paper. Cellulose, 26(10), 6275-6289.

 El artículo puede descargarse a través de la página web del editor (bajo suscripción).

Resumen: Hairy cellulose nanocrystalloids (HNC) are a brand new family of nanocellulose characterized by having functionalized amorphous poles joined by a crystalline shaft. In this paper we hypothesize that cationic HNC (CNCC) could be used as an effective retention agent in papermaking. To investigate this, we first flocculated a suspension of only fillers, namely kaolinite and CaCO3, and second, a suspension of recycled fibers, with CNCC. It was monitored by photometric dispersion analysis and laser focused beam reflectance. The flocculation mechanism was assessed by means of zeta potential, reflocculation efficiency, flocculation stability and optical microscopy. Finally, the effect of CNCC on drainage, retention and paper mechanical properties was studied. CNCC were found to heteroflocculate fillers at a wide range of dosages, finding a maximum floc size at a dosage of 30 mg/g. On the other hand, the maximum floc size when flocculating the pulp suspension, was found at a lower CNCC dosage (20 mg/g). In this case, fillers were being attached to the exterior surface of the fibers. In both systems, the maximum size increment was observed at the isoelectric point, so a charge neutralization mechanism was proposed. The addition of CNCC not only improved filler retention, but also pulp drainage by reducing these times. Moreover, although mechanical properties of the handsheets were affected by the presence of CNCC, this effect was much lighter than that caused by traditionally used retention systems. Hence, CNCC could replace many additives used in the wet-end of a paper machine, thus simplifying its operation.


4. Schneider, W. D. H., Bolaño Losada, C., Moldes, D., Fontana, R. C., de Siqueira, F. G., Prieto, A., Martínez, M. J., Martínez, A. T., Pinheiro Dillon A. J. & Camassola, M. (2019). A sustainable approach of enzymatic grafting on Eucalyptus globulus wood by laccase from the newly isolated white-rot basidiomycete Marasmiellus palmivorus VE111. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering7(15), 13418-13424.

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Resumen: Enzymatic grafting on eucalyptus wood with laccase from the basidiomycete Marasmiellus palmivorusVE111, recently isolated in Southern Brazil, was investigated. Three phenol and amine hydrophobic substrates and two mediator compounds were used to verify the potential of the enzyme for oxidative grafting. Laccase-assisted grafting of octyl and lauryl gallate was effectively achieved, presenting better results with mediator addition. In the water contact angle tests, the water drop kept 60% and 37% of its initial angle, with octyl gallate and lauryl gallate, respectively. Consequently, the enzymatic grafting of these compounds allowed an increase in the hydrophobicity of eucalyptus veneers (up to 10% and 5%, respectively), which is an interesting feature for the building and furniture industry to improve the durability and dimensional stability of wood. The results obtained in this work demonstrate the possibility of an environmentally friendly pathway to help solve a major challenge in wooden construction. In addition, the promising results of this work potentiate the use of a novel laccase, manufactured on-site, to be applied in sustainable processes in wood and furniture industries and other applications where hydrophobization of materials is desirable.


5. Méndez-Líter, J. A., Tundidor, I., Nieto-Domínguez, M., de Toro, B. F., Santana, A. G., de Eugenio, L. I., Prieto, A., Asensio, J. L., Cañada, F. J., Sánchez, C. & Martínez, M. J. (2019). Transglycosylation products generated by Talaromyces amestolkiae GH3 β-glucosidases: effect of hydroxytyrosol, vanillin and its glucosides on breast cancer cells. Microbial cell factories18(1), 97.

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Resumen: Background: Transglycosylation represents one of the most promising approaches for obtaining novel glycosides, and plant phenols and polyphenols are emerging as one of the best targets for creating new molecules with enhanced capacities. These compounds can be found in diet and exhibit a wide range of bioactivities, such as antioxidant, antihypertensive, antitumor, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory, and the eco-friendly synthesis of glycosides from these molecules can be a suitable alternative for increasing their health benefits.

Results: Transglycosylation experiments were carried out using different GH3 β-glucosidases from the fungus Talaromyces amestolkiae. After a first screening with a wide variety of potential transglycosylation acceptors, mono-glucosylated derivatives of hydroxytyrosol, vanillin alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, and hydroquinone were detected. The reaction products were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry. Hydroxytyrosol and vanillyl alcohol were selected as the best options for transglycosylation optimization, with a final conversion yield of 13.8 and 19% of hydroxytyrosol and vanillin glucosides, respectively. NMR analysis confirmed the structures of these compounds. The evaluation of the biological effect of these glucosides using models of breast cancer cells, showed an enhancement in the anti-proliferative capacity of the vanillin derivative, and an improved safety profile of both glucosides.

Conclusions: GH3 β-glucosidases from T. amestolkiae expressed in P. pastoris were able to transglycosylate a wide variety of acceptors. Between them, phenolic molecules like hydroxytyrosol, vanillin alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, and hydroquinone were the most suitable for its interesting biological properties. The glycosides of hydroxytyrosol and vanillin were tested, and they improved the biological activities of the original aglycons on breast cancer cells.


6. Molina-Gutiérrez, M., Hakalin, N. L., Rodríguez-Sánchez, L., Alcaraz, L., López, F. A., Martínez, M. J., & Prieto, A. (2019). Effect of the Immobilization Strategy on the Efficiency and Recyclability of the Versatile Lipase from Ophiostoma piceae. Molecules24(7), 1313.

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Resumen: The recombinant lipase from Ophiostoma piceaeOPEr has demonstrated to have catalytic properties superior to those of many commercial enzymes. Enzymatic crudes with OPEr were immobilized onto magnetite nanoparticles by hydrophobicity (SiMAG-Octyl) and by two procedures that involve covalent attachment of the protein (mCLEAs and AMNP-GA), giving three nanobiocatalysts with different specific activity in hydrolysis ofp-nitrophenyl butyrate (pNPB) and good storage stability at 4 °C over a period of 4 months. Free OPEr and the different nanobiocatalysts were compared for the synthesis of butyl esters of volatile fatty acids C4 to C7 in reactions containing the same lipase activity. The esterification yields and the reaction rates obtained with AMNP-GA-OPEr were in general higher or similar to those observed for the free enzyme, the mCLEAs-OPEr, and the non-covalent preparation SiMAG-Octyl-OPEr. The time course of the esterification of the acids C4 to C6 catalyzed by AMNP-GA-OPEr was comparable. The synthesis of the C7 ester was slower but very efficient, admitting concentrations of heptanoic acid up to 1 M. The best 1-butanol: acid molar ratio was 2:1 for all the acids tested. Depending on the substrate, this covalent preparation of OPEr maintained 80–96% activity over 7 cycles, revealing its excellent properties, easy recovery and recycling, and its potential to catalyze the green synthesis of chemicals of industrial interest.


7. Priscilla Vergara, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero, Soledad Gutiérrez,  Juan C. Villar. Liquor re-use strategy in lignocellulosic biomass fractionation with ethanol-water mixtures. Bioresource Technology 280 (2019) 396-403.

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Resumen: Liquor recycle in lignocellulosic biomass fractionation with ethanol-water has been studied. Runs have been carried out in a 6 L tank reactor with liquor recirculation. The liquors obtained in six successive fractioning operations have been analyzed together with the solid phase remnant. Experimental results revealed that the number of re-uses reduces solids recovery (from 52.2 to 42.6%) and cellulose recovery (from 28.1 to 23.3%) with minor or no effect on the hemicelluloses and lignin removal. The more remarkable effect is an increase of the glucose yield (from 76.7 to 95.3% after enzymatic hydrolysis during 72 h). The accumulation of acetic acid in the spent liquors (until 1.3 g/L) seems to be responsible of the higher enzymatic hydrolysis yield, from 76.3 (first use) to 87.7% (fifth re-use). Liquor re-use is effective to improve the sustainability of the pre-treatment obtaining a cellulose-rich solid easy to hydrolysate to sugars reducing energy consumption.


8. Wojtusik, M., Vergara, P., Villar, J.C., Garcia-Ochoa, F., Ladero, M., 2019. Thermal and operational deactivation of Aspergillus fumigatus β-glucosidase in ethanol/water pretreated wheat straw enzymatic hydrolysis. Journal of Biotechnology 292 (2019), 32–38. 

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Resumen: The stabilization effects on a novel commercial β-glucosidase preparation from Aspergillus fumigatus during saccharification of ethanol-water pretreated wheat straw were analysed in comparison to this enzyme stability during cellobiose hydrolysis. For this purpose, the kinetics of β-glucosidase residual activity during cellobiose hydrolysis from 40 till 70 °C were studied, resulting in the fitting of a first-order partial deactivation model. Furthermore, a subsequent fitting of a kinetic model including this first-order deactivation equation and a Michaelis-Menten equation with double competitive inhibition by glucose and uncompetitive inhibition by cellobiose to released glucose was successful. Finally, global enzyme deactivation and prospective deactivation of enzyme remaining in the liquid phase were evaluated during wheat straw hydrolysis at 50 °C as a relevant saccharification process. Results suggest that the presence of a solid substrate dramatically reduces the global deactivation rate of the enzyme and, in addition, there is no loss the stability of the enzyme in the liquid phase along the saccharification process, even for 72 h.


9. Teixeira, C., Vergara, P., Carbajo, J.M., Villar, J.C., 2019. Bioconversion of pine stumps to ethanol : pretreatment and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. Holzforschung 74(2) (2019),  212–216. 

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Resumen: The technical viability was investigated for the conversion of Pinus pinaster stumps to value-added products via a chain of pretreatments and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) steps to obtain bioethanol. Sequential steam explosion (SE), organosolv (OS) pretreatment and soda-anthraquinone pulping (Na/AQ) were performed resulting in an unbleached pulp (UBP), which was successfully converted via SSF to bioethanol with concentrations up to 79 g l−1, which corresponds to a conversion yield of 97% and productivity of 1.09 g l−1 h−1 at 15% total solids. Accordingly, delignification steps by oxygen bleaching are not necessary for bioethanol production. Different industrial softwood (SW) pulps were also tested as reference materials. Total lignin contents up to 4.5% in SW-based pulps had no adverse effects on SSF efficiency.


10. Imlauer-Vedoya, C. M., Vergara-Alarcón, P., Area, M. C., Revilla, E., Felissia, F. E., & Villar, J. C. (2019). Fractionation of pinus radiata wood by combination of steam explosion and Organosolv delignificationMaderas. Ciencia y Tecnología21(3), 587-598.

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Resumen: This work proposes a sequential combination of steam explosion and organosolv delignification for Pinus radiata fractionation. An efficient pretreatment to fully optimize the use of lignocellulosic materials is the key to make a biorefinery profitable, especially for softwoods, known to be more recalcitrant than other lignocellulosic raw materials. Steam explosion has a dual effect on biomass as morphological and chemical changes are introduced. A delignifying stage has been stated to be necessary in order to ease hydrolytic enzymes accessibility to cellulose while avoiding non-productive bonds with the lignin present. Three steam explosion conditions were tested (170°C, 5 min; 180°C, 10 min; 170°C, 5+5 min) followed by an organosolv delignification stage, carried out at two different conditions (170°C, 60 min; 170°C, 90 min). All treatment yields, delignification extent, and hydrolysis yields were determined to evaluate each stage. The steam explosion treatment did not produce high delignification extent. Maximum global delignification (50,4%) was achieved when combining the two-cycle steam explosion with the most severe post-treatment condition tested. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulosic residue improved after organosolv delignification; however, hydrolysis yields did not exceed 35%. The chemical changes undergone by softwood lignins are presumably responsible for the low digestibility.


11. Strategy for the Design of Waste to Energy Processes Based on Physicochemical Characterisation. Ortiz, I., Maroño, M., Torreiro, Y., Sánchez, J.M., Fernandez, M., Piñeiro, R., Waste and Biomass Valorization 11 (2020), 2961-2971.

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Resumen: Energy recovery from wastes is needed for cost-effective and sustainable management. For a given waste, the definition of suitable thermochemical conversion process schemes relies on devising a strategy based on several variables among which feedstock characterization is crucial. Depending on the properties of the fuel, the available waste resource may not be suitable for a specific application, for technical and sometimes for environmental reasons (Virmond et al. in Braz J Chem Eng 30:197–230, 2013). Within this framework, agro-industrial wastes (grape stem, beer bagasse and orange juice residues) were characterized and the results are used to design a strategy for their effective integration in waste-to-energy processes. Energy content, proximate and ultimate analysis, composition, ash fusibility and thermal behaviour were determined. For the physicochemical analysis UNE standard methods were used. Characterization results showed that the three wastes have good quality for thermochemical conversion with energy contents between 19 MJ/kg (beer bagasse) and 16 MJ/kg (orange juice residue) and ash contents below 10% in all cases. However, some drawbacks were found: high moisture (76%), nitrogen (3.5%) and sulphur (0.2%) content for beer bagasse; elevated nitrogen (1.1%) and sulphur (0.15%) concentration for grape stem and nitrogen (1%) content for orange juice residue. All this information has been used to design a smart strategy for selecting a sustainable and environmental friendly waste to energy processes as part of a circular economy approach.


12. A Feasible Application of Circular Economy: Spent Grain Energy Recovery in the Beer Industry. Ortiz, I., Torreiro, Y., Molina, G., Maroño, M., Sánchez, J.M., Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10(2019), 38093819. 

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Resumen: The generation of residual streams and wastes is a common constant in all productive processes. The brewing sector generates a large quantity of residual by-products which can be sustainably reused within the industry to contribute to cover the energy requirement of the process and at the same time to contribute to minimize the amount of waste that is sent to landfills. In this paper the feasibility and advantages of incorporating a stage for energy recovery from some of the solid wastes generated during the process as part of the circular economy approach is presented. La Cibeles, a local small size beer process is taken as a real example. In a brewing process the main wastes that are produced are: grain husks, yeast and CO2. Out of the three, the most important one is the grain husk or brewers’ spent grain that can make around 85% of the total waste of a brewery. The results presented in this study show that, by gasification of brewers’ spent grain, not only the final volume of the residue to be disposed is considerably minimised, but also it is possible to obtain a net economic saving of around 22% in the consume of fossil fuels used in the brewing process when the syngas produced is used for heat generation.


13. Mendes, C.V., Vergara, P., Carbajo, J.M., Villar, J.C., Rocha, J.M., Carvalho, M.G. Bioconversion of pine stumps to ethanol : pretreatment and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. Holzforschung 74(2) (2019),  212–216. 

El artículo puede descargarse desde la página web del editor (bajo suscripción). 

Resumen: The technical viability was investigated for the conversion of Pinus pinaster stumps to value-added products via a chain of pretreatments and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) steps to obtain bioethanol. Sequential steam explosion (SE), organosolv (OS) pretreatment and soda-anthraquinone pulping (Na/AQ) were performed resulting in an unbleached pulp (UBP), which was successfully converted via SSF to bioethanol with concentrations up to 79 g l−1, which corresponds to a conversion yield of 97% and productivity of 1.09 g l−1 h−1 at 15% total solids. Accordingly, delignification steps by oxygen bleaching are not necessary for bioethanol production. Different industrial softwood (SW) pulps were also tested as reference materials. Total lignin contents up to 4.5% in SW-based pulps had no adverse effects on SSF efficiency.


Participación en congresos y conferencias:


Comunicaciones Orales


  • "Producción sostenible en la Comunidad de Madrid. Programa RETOPROSOST-CM". Ana Balea; Angeles Blanco. ChemPlast Expo. Madrid, España, 2019.
  • “Nanocellulose: nano in size and giant in the potential to open up endless novel environment-friendly applications”. Ana Balea; M. Concepción Monte; Elena Fuente; Noemi Merayo; Jose L. Sánchez-Salvador; Cristina Campano; Angeles Blanco; Carlos Negro.  International Symposium on Setting Their Table: Women and the Periodic Table of Elements. Murcia, España, 2019.
  • "Organosolv re-use liquor strategy applied to enzymatic saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass. Priscilla Vergara, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero, Juan Carlos Villar, Soledad Gutiérrez.

    5º Congreso Latinoamericano sobre Biorrefinerías. Concepción, Chile, 7-9 enero 2019.

  • "Kinetic modelling of lignocellulose waste saccharification: fractal and phenomenological models. Mateusz Wojtusik, Priscilla Vergara, Juan Carlos Villar, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero. 2nd International Workshop on Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic Materials. Córdoba, España. 4-7 junio 2019.

  • “Cellulose nanofibers and chitosan to remove flexographic inks from wastewaters”. Ana Balea; M. Concepción Monte; José Luis Sánchez Salvador; Ángeles Blanco; Carlos Negro. 2nd Internation Workshop on Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic Materiales (IWBLCM2019). Córdoba, España, 2019.
  • “Comparison of different nanocelluloses as reinforced additives for recycled cardboard”. José Luis Sánchez-Salvador; Ana Balea; M. Concepción Monte; Carlos Negro; Meaghan Miller; James Olson; Ángeles Blanco. 2nd Internation Workshop on Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic Materiales (IWBLCM2019). Córdoba, España, 2019.
  • “Improved recycled paper properties by cellulose nanofibers”. Ana Balea; Ángeles Blanco; Carlos Negro. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 2019.
  • “Ozone Treatment Applied to Industrial Wastewaters: from the Lab to the Industry”. Noemi Merayo; Ana Balea; Javier Tejera; Blanca Artaza; Daphne Hermosilla; Angeles Blanco. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 2019.
  • “Reaction of Formaldehyde with Nitric Acid to Treat Industrial Wastewater”. Noemi Merayo; Ana Balea; Javier Tejera; Amalio Garrido; Carlos Negro; Ángeles Blanco. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 2019.
  • “Interactions of nanocellulose with cement”. Ana Balea; Elena Fuente; Ángeles Blanco; Carlos Negro. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 Junio 2019.
  • "Strategies for the transformation of lignocellulose into sugars". Priscilla Vergara, Miguel Ladero, Félix García-Ochoa, Juan Carlos Villar. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 Junio 2019.
  • "Comparison of the diluted sulfuric acid hydrolysis and ethanol–water delignification as a method for fractionation". Priscilla Vergara, Miguel Ladero, Soledad Gutiérrez, Félix García-Ochoa, Juan Carlos Villar.
  • "Techno-economical analysis of liquor re-use strategy". Franco Mangone, Priscilla Vergara, Miguel Ladero, Félix García-Ochoa, Juan Carlos Villar, Soledad Gutiérrez. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 Junio 2019.
  • “Potential of Pyrolysis for Waste Management in a Circular Economy Integrated Approach”. Victor B. Reyes, Josemaria Sanchez Hervas, Gregorio Molina, Isabel Ortiz, Marta Maroño, Esperanza Ruiz. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España. 19 – 21 de Junio de 2019. Book of Abstracts pág. 289. ISBN: 978-84-09-12431-2.
  • "Valorization of Secondary Raw Materials through Thermochemical Transformation within the Framework of the RETOPROSOST-2-CM Program”. Victor B. Reyes, Josemaria Sanchez Hervas, Gregorio Molina, Isabel Ortiz, Marta Maroño and Esperanza Ruiz. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España. 19 – 21 de Junio. Book of Abstracts pág. 294. ISBN: 978-84-09-12431-2.
  • “Biocatalysts with glycosidase activity for its application in valorization of residues in sustainable processes” Juan A. Méndez-Líter, Carlos Murguiondo, Mihai Lomanar, María Molina-Gutiérrez, María Jesús Martínez and Alicia Prieto. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 junio 2019. Book of Abstracts pág. 288. ISBN: 978-84-09-12431-2.
  • “A green and sustainable approach to the use of waste streams as cost-effective raw materials: biotransformations catalyzed by fungal lipases” María Molina-Gutiérrez, Neumara Hakalin, Leonor Rodríguez-Sánchez, María Jesús Martínez and Alicia Prieto. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 junio 2019. Book of Abstracts pág. 292. ISBN: 978-84-09-12431-2.
  • “Hidrolasas fúngicas para su aplicación en procesos sostenibles” María Jesús Martínez, Manuel Nieto-Domínguez, Juan Antonio Méndez-Líter, Laura Isabel De Eugenio, Jorge Barriuso, María Molina-Gutiérrez, Alicia Prieto Orzanco. XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología. Málaga, España, 2-5 julio 2019.
  • “Ingeniería de biocatalizadores con actividad glicosidasa para su aplicación en procesos sostenibles” Carlos Murguiondo, Mihai Lomanar, Juan Antonio Méndez-Líter, María Molina-Gutiérrez, María Jesús
  • Martínez, Alicia Prieto Orzanco. XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología. Málaga, España, 2-5 julio 2019.
  • “Characterizing the dispersion of cellulose micro/nanofibers hydrogels”. J.L. Sánchez Sálvador; M.C. Monte; A. Balea; A. Blanco; C. Negro. 12th European Congress of Chemical Engineering. 5th European Congress of Applied Biothecnology (ECCE12_ECAB5). Florencia, Italia, 2019.
  • "Environmental assessment of electricity from a concentrated solar Power and biomass hybridisation plant in Tunisia". I. Herrera, Y. Lechón. 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2019), 1-6 Octubre de 2019, Dubrovnik (Croatia). Book of abstracts, ISSN 1847-7186, pág. 194; Digital proceedings, ISSN 1847-7178, págs. 0797-1, 0797-14.


Comunicaciones tipo póster


  •  “Closing the circle: Cellulose nanofibers from recycled fibers to improve the mechanical properties of recycled paper. Ana Balea; Jose Luis Sanchez-Salvador; M. Concepcion Monte; Noemi Merayo; Carlos Negro; Angeles Blanco.  3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 junio 2019.
  • "Use of additives to improve the enzymatic hydrolysis of ethanol-water pre-treated wheat straw".

    Priscilla Vergara, Miguel Ladero, José María Carbajo, Félix García-Ochoa, Juan Carlos Villar. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 junio 2019.

  • Fractionation of Eucalyptus globulus wood by combination of steam explosion and ethanol-water delignification.


    Priscilla Vergara, Miguel Ladero, Félix García-Ochoa, Juan Carlos Villar.

    Sofiane Borsla, Priscilla Vergara, Juan Carlos Villar, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 junio 2019.

  • Optimization of ethanol-water pretreated cardoon saccharification.

    Sofiane Borsla, Priscilla Vergara, Juan Carlos Villar, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero.

    3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 junio 2019.
  • “Ozone Treatment Applied to Industrial Wastewater containing Formaldehyde”. Noemi Merayo; Ana Balea; Javier Tejera; Amalio Garrido; Ángeles Blanco. 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ). (ANQUE-ICCE-CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España, 19-21 junio 2019.
  • “Industrial Symbiosis Based on Co-gasification of Municipal Solid Waste and Forestry Residue”. Virginia Pérez, Raquel Ramos, Miguel Fernández, Susana García, Luis Saul Esteban, K. Beatriz Ascencio, Isabel Ortiz, Jose María Sánchez. 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química (CIBIQ 2019). Santander, España. 19 – 21 de Junio de 2019. Book of Abstracts pág. 299. ISBN: 978-84-09-12431-2.
  • "LCA School Module, a sustainability assessment tool to knows schools building performance". Israel Herrera, Ana Rosa Gamarra, Yolanda Lechón. 1st Mediterranean Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment, 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. Santander, España, 19-21 de Junio de 2019. Book of Abstracts, pág. 362. ISBN: 978-84-09-12430-5.
  • "Colombian horticultural production through conventional and good practices pathway, comparison by LCA". Luz Dinora Vera Acevedo, Israel Herrera, Henry Lopez. 1st Mediterranean Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment, 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering. Santander, España, 19 – 21 de Junio de 2019. Book of Abstracts ISBN: 978-84-09-12430-5.
  • "Organosolv re-use liquor strategy applied to enzymatic saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass". Priscilla Vergara, Félix García-Ochoa, Miguel Ladero, Juan Carlos Villar, Soledad Gutiérrez. Córdoba, España. 4-7 de junio de 2019.



  • Cristina Campano Tiedra. Alternativas para facilitar el uso de nanocelulosas en la producción de papel reciclado/Alternatives to facilitate the use of nanocelluloses in the production of recycled paper. Universidad Complutense. Junio 2019. Directora: Mª Ángeles Blanco Suárez.
  • Juan Antonio Méndez Líter. “Estudio funcional de las Beta Glucosidasas del hongo Talaromyces amestolkiae: aplicaciones biotecnológicas y diseño racional de catalizadores. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Febrero 2020. Directoras: Mª Jesús Martínez y Laura I. de Eugenio.
  • Priscilla Vergara Alarcón. Estudio del fraccionamiento de la lignocelulosa mediante procesos con disolventes y los estudios para el análisis y aprovechamiento de las fracciones. Universidad Complutense. Septiembre 2019. Directores Félix García-Ochoa y Juan Carlos Villar.


Workshops organizados por RETOPROSOST-2:


  • Workshop Producción Sostenible y Simbiosis Industrial. Santander, 19-21 Junio 2019.
  • Simposio Iberoamericano de Bioenergía y Biorefinerías. Santander, 19-21 Junio 2019.


Colaboración en la organización de Congresos:


  • 3rd ANQUE-ICCE International Congress of Chemical Engineering en Santander (España), del 19 al 21 de junio de 2019. Comité Científico Felix García Ochoa (co-presidente), Angeles Blanco (UCM).
  • Organización del Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Química, Santander 19-21 Junio 2019. Carlos Negro (Presidente), UCM.

Participación en redes de investigación: 


  • NANOCELIA (CYTED): UCM, INIA y CIB participan activamente en la red financiada por el Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el desarrollo (CYTED). El principal objetivo de la Red es la implementación de los nuevos procesos tecnológicos que optimicen los procesos de producción y aplicación de celulosa nanofibrilar a escala laboratorio, piloto y demostrativa, desde una perspectiva integradora de la cadena de valor para vislumbrar el escalado industrial y la producción de cada producto específico.

     Esta Red facilita el intercambio de conocimientos para extender el conocimiento adquirido por cada una de las partes para evitar la fragmentación de conocimiento y extender los resultados hacia el resto de países latinoamericanos con industrias menos desarrolladas, así como lograr el enriquecimiento tecnológico de cada país integrante. La transferencia tecnológica se orientará hacia los sectores de fabricación de papel, cartón y embalaje. Para ello, se cuenta con las acciones de grupos de investigación y empresas de 7 países, comprendiendo la promoción del aprovechamiento de la biomasa agrícola, forestal y agroindustrial y las aplicaciones de dichos productos en sectores industriales, y la interacción entre grandes empresas y PYMES.

  • Red Iberoamericana de Tecnologías de Biomasa y Bioenergía Rural, Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED) 719RT0587, 2019-2023. El CIEMAT participa activamente en esta red. ReBIBIR está conformada por universidades, centros de investigación, entidades de l administración pública y empresas, que sincronizan esfuerzos para la innovación científica y el desarrollo tecnológico, como base para la promoción de "sistemas bio-energéticos térmicos" integralmente más sostenibles a nivel territorial.
  • Red Iberoamericana de Valorización de Residuos de la Industria Agroalimentaria – RESALVALOR. Esta red Iberoamericana, está financiada por CYTED y cuenta con la participación de UCM e INIA. Está formada por 11 instituciones y 6 empresas de 8 países y tiene, como objetivo general, generar conocimiento y aumentar la concienciación de los agentes relacionados con la industria agroalimentaria. Para ellos se trabaja en los objetivos concretos de identificar y caracterizar residuos de la industria agroalimentaria de potencial interés, así como las aplicaciones que pudieran hacer uso de estos residuos. Establecer soluciones para el fraccionamiento y transformación de los residuos agroalimentarios, de naturaleza lignocelulósica. Conectar el conocimiento de grupos académicos especializados y a estos grupos académicos con las empresas del sector agroalimentario y con las potenciales receptoras de los productos. Desarrollar el concepto de biorrefinería integrada. Difusión de los resultados de la investigación entre la academia, la industria y los agentes de transferencia de tecnología.

  • Red Iberoamericana para el Tratamiento de efluentes con Microalgas", Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED P319RT0025), 2020-2024. EL CIEMAT participa activamente en esta red. La Red RENUWAL se ha creado con el fin de potenciar estrategias sostenibles que permitan a las empresas iberoamericanas mejorar la gestión del reciclado de sus efluentes y subproductos para obtener nuevos productos de valor añadido. De este modo se busca beneficios no solo medioambientales sino también económicos.

    El objetivo general de la red RENUWAL,, es crear una Red multi- e inter-disciplinar que permita la sinergia necesaria entre los grupos participantes para impulsar las aplicaciones potenciales de las microalgas como agentes de reciclaje en el marco de la Economía Circular. Para ello se trabajará bajo tres ejes distintos: fomentando la integración investigadora y tecnológica de Iberoamérica en el campo de las microalgas para su uso en la gestión de subproductos industriales, participando en programas multilaterales en innovación y con un plan de formación que permita la transferencia del conocimiento y transmisión de valores medioambientales.

     La Red está constituida por 14 centros I+D pertenecientes a 7 países iberoamericanos (Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, España, Mexico, Portugal) y 7 empresas de Portugal, Brasil y España.

  • RED LIGNOCEL, Red Temática Española sobre "Biotecnología para la Biomasa Lignocelulósica: hacia el uso de la biomasa vegetal como materia prima renovable” (ref. BIO2017-90757-REDT). La RED LIGNOCEL es un foro de intercambio de conocimiento y discusión entre equipos de trabajo con intereses en el desarrollo de nuevas (bio)tecnologías para la conversión de biomasa vegetal (residuos agrícolas, forestales, etc) en nuevos productos biobasados: materiales, combustibles y productos químicos. Desde hace cerca de 25 años, la Red ha reunido a grupos de investigación y empresas interesados en el aprovechamiento y/o valorización de la biomasa vegetal como materia prima renovable y la búsqueda de soluciones biotecnológicas a problemas industriales y medioambientales reales. Su principal interés ha sido y es consolidar y fomentar la sinergia entre especialistas de reconocido prestigio que abordan este reto desde diferentes perspectivas.

Premios y reconocimientos:


  • Premio Chemplast al mejor Proyecto de Investigación para la industria, 2019. El Grupo de Celulosa, papel y tratamientos Avanzados de Agua, de la Universidad Complutense, recibió el premio al mejor proyecto de investigación para la industria por su gestión sostenible integral del agua en la industria. En este sentido, un premio que incluye un reconocimiento a la trayectoria investigadora y la calidad continuada del trabajo de este grupo desarrollando proyectos pioneros con aplicaciones industriales de amplio alcance. Los otros finalistas que optaban al premio fueron Eurecat y Continental.