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Cover Report Analysis of the Free Press in Madrid

Cover Report Analysis of the Free Press in Madrid

The Communication Market is complex: by transversality (which is a factor of progress); because the quality is checked in all spaces and consumption models; because content distribution and marketing help to make information formats more useful and can be used correctly. It is a market that requires professionals who adapt and are able to offer their service as a product.

The content producer journalist must associate with the client that receives them. This is a dynamic market in constant transformation economic values ​​such as time and space of consumption offer important benefits for media management. We are in a global and fragmented market in which new projects arise either in traditional media such as New Media. A market in which journalists will find their job opportunities in the start-up of their business projects. MediaCom UCM (Research and learning of Media and Communications Management) offers the development of ideas and the creation of guidelines for companies and professionals who need it. What are our objectives? To be able to associate with the new Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Communication (EEC) of the Complutense University of Madrid, with the support of the Office of the Entrepreneur (Compluemprende) that belongs to the Vice-Rectorate of Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship.

How does it work

It is about creating projects of development and applied research through articles 83 (OTRI) and the promotion of university-business activities from 5 basic lines of work:

1. Written Models

2. Radiophonic Models

3. Audiovisual models

4. Content management

5. Professional profiles and Gender

AOVE DAYS at Farmacia UCM poster

AOVE DAYS at Farmacia UCM poster 

We have developed different research results with the own UCM (Analysis of the Free Press in Madrid) and with other universities (OTRI UFV-2013 Profile of entrance of the students of communication in the Universities of Madrid 2011-2013) and elaborated professional reports by participating in R & D and we have created a social sense ("Critical analysis of the Media system in Spain: Credibility and impact on citizenship" - IP Pedro Farias Battle, Reports on the Journalistic Profession of the APM until 2012)

We want to continue to create Collaboration Agreements with companies and organizations to enhance their participation and finance this type of project (AC + EO = PF) that will allow us to know the market demand regarding labor and management needs in communication and information in order to give future professionals.

The service is offered to companies of any of the associated levels: journalistic companies, radio, television operators, information documentation centers, information agencies, communication companies, press offices, sports companies and professional associations, who need to know which are your needs in research and in the learning of the information and communication market.

Different methodologies are applied, such as the phenomenological one, that allows to know in a descriptive way the business, social and economic environment that have favored the business transformation towards digital environments, from the theoretical observation and the field work, and that allows to carry out the study ; and the structural one, which shows the influence of different endogenous and exogenous indicators in the course of research, such as ideological, economic, technological, cultural elements, etc.




Direct advantages.

1. The study of entrepreneurship for the employability of the information professional and its adaptability from training to the new scenario of communication and information, which will be relevant for companies, groups and companies that participate in this market.

2. The creation of internal and external indicators and market variables that condition favorable scenarios for the best investment in talent (business assets).

3. Facilitate, through the results of the PF, conclusions from the different LB models for a better observation of the market.

4. Help to participate in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Communication (EEC) to the associated companies for a better adaptation of their products and research developments.

Indirect advantages.

1. It offers, likewise, the possibility of an adaptation through an Art. 83 of the company or institution through MediaCom UCM for the development of Training Activities, Courses, Conferences or Workshops whose purpose is to create business-student relationships in favor of their external practices and improvement in learning.

2. We want to strengthen university-company relations, to position the PFs and bring them closer to their interests, through social and teaching control.

Where has it been developed

The research group 970605 Research and Learning of Media and Communications Management (Mediacom UCM) belongs to the Complutense University of Madrid and is attached to the Faculty of Information Sciences, in the Information Company area of ​​the Department of Journalism and Global Communication. Its co-directors, Professors Dolores Rodríguez Barba and Fernando Peinado Miguel, are PDI and belong to the so-called "entrepreneur ecosystem" of the Campus of Excellence UCM-UPM, coordinated by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship through the Office of the Entrepreneur (Compluemprende).

So far MediaCom UCM has participated in national and international projects thanks to the existing collaboration agreements with PDI and research groups from other university centers:

a) Internationals: UNIP of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and MIDIA Research Group, Culture and Memory; University of Valdivia (Chile); Pan-American University of Mexico; Business and Health Laboratory of Università Europea di Roma or the Educommunication and Digital Culture group of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador.

b) National.- University of Malaga (UMA); Comunicar Group of the University of Huelva; Antonio de Nebrija University; Research Group in Information and Digital Communication (GICID) of University of Zaragoza or the Observatory of Leisure and Digital Entertainment (OCENDI) of University of Valladolid.

Likewise, there are ACs with associations and public and private organizations: with Madrid Sports Press Association (APDM) or the Regulatory Council of the "Sierra Mágina" Denomination of Origin, based in Bedmar (Jaén).

And also

From the MediaCom Group UCM (Research and Education of Media and Communication Management) we strive to make the university-business nexus a reality and our goal is to create an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Communication from the UCM.

We want to defend the graduates of Information Sciences to improve their work opportunities. It is fundamental work of the University to guide the student so that he knows how to select his professional options with criteria. For this it is important to teach him to think like that professional he wants to be.

We work for employability and quality in the employment of women. A woman entrepreneur journalist is possible.

It is necessary to make clear the journalistic competences in the professional practice, from the legal nature of the informative company.



© Office for the Transfer of Research Results – UCM
Faculty of Medicine. Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8.
C/ Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7. 28040 Madrid.

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Social Sciences and Law

Information Science

Responsible Researchers

Dolores Rodríguez Baba: lolar@ucm.es
Fernando Peinado Miguel: 
Department: Journalism and Global Communication                                   
Faculty: Information Science