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PubliEventos banner

PubliEventos banner

For achieving an effective and high quality advertising on the Internet, at least, it is required a high dose of creativity and deep knowledge of new advertising techniques and documentation. A group of researchers from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid puts at the companies’ service their knowledge and research experience in advertising, whilst encouraging the creative potential of students of communication and advertising of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The service is recognized as PubliEventos, and is offered to any company or institution thinking about advertising on the Internet as a strategy to improve its sales, strengthen its brand image, placing itself on the market, broadcast events, etc.

The idea was born after the success of PubliDocNet, an Advertising Documentation Portal on the Internet created by this researchers group with the active and ongoing collaboration of students. PubliDocNet emerged as a learning and exhibition place for the work of advertising students and professionals. The enthusiasm and dedication of teachers and, above all, the more than the three thousand students that have participated in PubliDocNet to date, have led to the growth in content, material, databases and works presented on the portal at an unstoppable pace; until becoming today in an indispensable reference site for national advertising online.

How does it work

Ejemplo de cartel del evento, titulado: “La imagen de la mujer en la Publicidad”, realizado por las alumnas de la UCM Laura Robleño Moreno y Raquel García Honrubia.

Example of the poster for the “La imagen de la mujer en la Publicidad” event, carried out by Universidad Complutense de Madrid Laura Robleño Moreno and Raquel García Honrubia.

The quality of the advertising work in the context of PubliDocNet, in some cases by demand from institutions, is due to a great extent to the creative stimulus meant for the young students by "learning by doing" and for being able to bring into market their talent and enthusiasm for advertising. Now, promoter professors at PubliDocNet give a step towards the innovative commitment to online advertising. PubliEventos is not an advertising agency or any competition is sought against third parties. PubliEventos aims:

  • Promoting Internet advertising and improve its research and technological development.
  • Motivate and provide better training of future advertising professionals.
  • Make available to companies and institutions the opportunity to have their own Internet advertising.

PubliEventos has no formulas, as each advertiser has different needs, but a working method comprising several phases:

  • Preliminary stage: The PubliDocNet research team listens to the customer’s needs / proposals and decide, along with the advertiser, what is best for him.
  • Design phase: Students launch the creative mechanism that will arise several proposals that will be presented to the client. Students think, contrive, design and create text, logos, images, messages, etc.
  • Production phase: When a proposal is accepted, students will work on it with the technology and management made available by teachers.
  • Implementation phase: The announcement is ready to be visible on the Internet.


PubliEventos provides its customers:

  • The experience of a group of professionals with extensive career in research advertising, communication and knowledge on the latest technologies available.
  • Student’s creativity; which also provides market knowledge (as  they are in the age target that are most likely to shop online), and excitement for a place in the professional advertising world.
  • Resources available at PubliDocNet, a reference site for Internet Advertising Documentation.

In short, it offers customers the possibility of advertising, with exclusive formats of great creativity and quality. PubliEventos is born backed by the guarantee provided by the experience with PubliDocNet, which will support and showcase clients and students.

Where has it been developed

PubliEventos arises as a proposal from a group of researchers from the Library and Information Sciences Department of the Faculty of Information Sciences from Universidad Complutense de Madrid under the direction of Professor Juan Carlos Marcos Recio.

The research group has been working for more than two decades in communication, advertising and documentation. It has participated in several digitation works and on the creation of  multiple Digital Documentation Centers projects for institutions and companies.

PubliEventos is offered to any company or institution whose advertising is raised on the Internet as a strategy to improve its sales, strengthen its brand image, place itslef on the market, etc. PubliEventos can be contracted through the Universidad Complutense Research Results Transfer Office for the hiring of works of scientific, technical or artistic nature (Article 83 LOU).

And also

PubliEventos offers the possibility of organizing events, seminars and conferences on the Internet.  It is based on bringing together online experts on a specific subject; PubliDocNet makes all the arrangements for the meeting’s success and work so they have a great impact on the Internet.

The event is recorded and then placed online so the students and professionals who have participated can see it in the future. Students are responsible for the entire event: program, contact speakers, design and edit and choose the format of the conference poster; record, development and edition of the event and also are in charge of the supplies for all the event’s staff. All events are live broadcasted via videoconference.



© Office for the Transfer of Research Results – UCM
Faculty of Medicine. Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8.
C/ Doctor Severo Ochoa, 7. 28040 Madrid.

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Social Sciences and Law

Information Science

Responsible Researcher

Juan Carlos Marcos Recio: jmarcos@ucm.es
Department: Librarianship and Documentation
Faculty: Information Sciences