

Welcome to the web page of MOLEC 2016


MOLEC 2016 is the XXI edition of the European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems and will take place in Toledo, Spain, from 11th to 16th September 2016.

The venue will be Hotel María Cristina, an outstanding hotel and convention center in downtown Toledo.

MOLEC 2016 will bring together scientists from all over the world to present and discuss the most recent advances in Molecular Science, including reaction and photodissociation dynamics of neutral and ion molecules, ultrafast dynamics and coherent control, cold molecules, biomolecules, molecular clusters and helium droplets, liquid micro-jets and aerosols, beam-surface collisions, with contributions from both theory and experiment

The present edition of MOLEC is the XXI one, and this year is the 40th anniversary of MOLEC.

Alberto García-Vela

Chairman of MOLEC 2016

We dedicate the XXI MOLEC Conference to the lasting memory of Ahmed Zewail


EPJ D Topical Issue: Call for papers



Poster Prizes 

Three prizes will be awarded to the three best posters presented by young researchers (PhD and postdoctoral students) during the conference. The poster prizes will be sponsored by The Journal of Physical Chemistry.  Each prize will consist of a Visa gift card with a value of 200$ USA (to be used in the General Store El Corte Inglés).